Author: Sydney Robinson

Sheriff Who Let Inmate Die Of Thirst To Serve In Key Department of Homeland Security Position

Sheriff David Clarke, a man who should be sitting in a jail cell facing trial for murder, announced on Wednesday that he has been offered a key position in Trump’s administration instead.   BREAKING: @SheriffClarke announces he will “accept an appointment as an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security.” — Alan Neuhauser (@alneuhauser) May 17, 2017 According to the Sheriff, he will serve in the DHS as an assistant secretary, a position for which he is wholly unqualified. The news broke Wednesday afternoon, and the general opinion was clear: this is a bad, bad decision. The Trump...

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BREAKING: Chaffetz Asks Comey to Testify Publicly Before Senate Next Week

On Wednesday, Rep. Jason Chaffetz announced that he was calling on former FBI Director James Comey to testify before the Senate regarding his memo and his conversations with Trump. Chaffetz offered to let Comey testify privately or publicly after reports last week indicated that Comey was only willing to testify in a public setting. Despite having earlier declined to do so, it appears that political pressure and criticism and slander from the White House may have driven Comey to speak out and share exactly what he knows. As some have noted, when Comey declined to indict Hillary Clinton so...

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Dead Silent: Republicans Won’t Condemn Trump, But They Won’t Defend Him Either

This week, producers at various media outlets are finding themselves in a unique position: they are unable to find any Republican officials or spokespeople to appear on their network to defend the decisions of the president. As each tragic piece of the Trump puzzle falls into place, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get any Republican to speak on the record about the day’s events, or to get their personal opinion on the president’s conduct. Even Fox News was forced to reveal on Tuesday evening that despite reaching out to dozens of lawmakers, not a single one was willing to appear...

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North Carolina Lawmaker Wants to Boot More Than 130 Thousand People Off of Food Stamps

A Republican lawmaker is seeking to eliminate a food stamps expansion established in 2010 in the interest of “fairness.” Republican State Senator Ralph Hise seems to have fallen victim to the same sort of extreme, far-right politics in the state that led to the bathroom bill and severely limited the powers of the Democratic governor, but now the elected official has turned his sights to another marginalized group: the poor. Hise argues that an expansion in the state’s food stamp program established in 2010 gives an unfair advantage to some while sometimes excluding others through technicalities. Rather than seeking to...

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Trump Will Address Islamic World In Speech Given In Saudi Arabia

Donald Trump’s first international trip is set to begin on Friday as Trump, joined by the First Lady, will visit five countries in an attempt to show the competence of his administration currently embroiled in scandal. Among a litany of landmines Trump will have to tiptoe around, the President is set to give an address in Saudi Arabia directed at the Islamic World, giving an “inspiring yet direct” message to the religious group he spent his entire campaign slandering. Any sane person could look at that tidbit of information and know that the President is once again heading for disaster,...

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