Author: Sydney Robinson

Republican Congressman Breaks From Party: Supports Impeachment if Comey Memo True

Through the growing scandal surrounding President Trump, the Russia investigation, and fired FBI Director James Comey, Republicans have remained mostly silent. Seeming to be hoping for a miracle distraction to silence the growing tremor, the silence from these elected officials has become all but deafening. Cutting through the silence, though, is one Republican Congressman who proclaimed on Wednesday that if the newly revealed Comey memo is proven true, he would support the impeachment of Donald Trump. Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan spoke out on Wednesday. Amash was asked by reporters from The Hill whether or not he would support impeachment if...

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Chelsea Manning Released From Prison

U.S. Soldier Chelsea Manning has been released from prison today after serving several years for 20 charges related to leaking military documents. Manning was imprisoned in 2010 for leaking extensive military documents related to the Iraq war to the press, including a video of an Apache helicopter wantonly murdering 12 civilians in Baghdad in 2007. Manning was found guilty of more than 20 charges related to the leaks and was set to serve 35 years for her crimes. The day after she was sentenced, Manning revealed that she was a trans woman and changed her name from Bradley to...

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Jeff Sessions Anti-Drug Crackdown Makes An Enemy of Rand Paul

Though the Department of Justice’s roll-back of 2013 rules calling on more lenient sentences for low-level drug offenders went by mostly unnoticed, Senator Rand Paul spoke out late last week about the regressive new policy. Because of Senator Rand Paul’s outside of the norm political beliefs, there are times when his libertarian beliefs align with more liberal beliefs, and this is one of those times. Speaking against the new punitive policy, Paul said that Sessions’ decision was strongly opposed by himself and that it is the opposite of what he himself would have done. Paul said in a brief press...

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Is Sally Yates Headed For Political Office?

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates may be riding the wave of her newfound notoriety all the way into elected office. According to sources in Yates’ home state of Georgia, while the former appointed official claims she is not at all interested in running for Governor of the state, some say that she may consider a 2020 Senate race. Yates told the New Yorker in an interview that she is completely against becoming Governor of her home state. “I am totally ruling out the governor’s race. I am not running for governor.” But that doesn’t mean she’s done with...

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McCain & Other Spineless Republicans Want You To Think They’re Defying Trump – They’re Not

In response to the breaking news story that Trump gave sensitive, highly classified intelligence to the Russians during their visit to the capitol last week, many Republicans have issued stern words against the presidents actions yet seem completely unwilling to do anything in response. Echoing the same slactivism which led to a Trump presidency in the first place, Republicans who talk a semi-large game but still back the President when push comes to shove help to ensure that nothing will come of this news, nor any other news from the Trump administration. Like clockwork, the sternly worded condemnations were...

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