Author: Sydney Robinson

White Nationalists Waved Citronella Candles And Marched In Protest Of Confederate Statue Removal

While the rest of the world concerned itself with important issues like global warming, the erosion of the Constitution, psychopath President Donald Trump, and the rising inequality gap between the rich and the poor, a motivated group of pro-confederate activists gathered to protest the removal of confederate monuments from Charlottesville, Virginia. The demonstration occurred on Saturday night and was in response to the planned removal of a confederate monument in the city. The city plans to remove a state of Robert E. Lee, the continuation of a growing trend in many Southern cities. Led by white nationalist and self-proclaimed “alt-right” leader...

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Melissa McCarthy’s “Spicey” Spotted Riding Motorized Podium In NYC

After reports that Sean Spicer was spotted literally hiding in the bushes to avoid reporters on Tuesday evening, it was clear that this week’s episode of Saturday Night Live would likely be pretty amazing. As it turns out, that level of “amazing” has already been confirmed with a video circulating online of Melissa McCarthy wearing her now-famous Sean Spicer get-up and riding a motorized lectern through busy New York City streets. McCarthy’s “Spicey” character is one of the most beloved currently on SNL as McCarthy transforms the Press Secretary’s latest gaffes into hilarious parody. Previous versions have featured McCarthy...

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Michelle Obama Fired Up: “Think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap”

While Barack Obama’s return to the public eye has been largely without waves, Michelle Obama rocked the boat a bit during a Partnership for a Healthier America summit when she became visibly upset at recent rollbacks surrounding school lunches and restaurant food labeling. Without referring directly to the Trump administration or saying the name of her husband’s successor even once, Mrs. Obama made it clear: she is damned mad that the Trump administration is taking back everything good she or her husband did simply because their name is on it. This includes not only the first lady’s healthy school lunch...

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Jeff Sessions Demands Prosecutors Seek Most Severe Sentences For All Crimes

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made good on his anti-drug witchhunt beliefs by rolling back established regulations put into place by former Attorney General Eric Holder. With the new guidelines, federal prosecutors are now required to seek the most severe charges carrying the most severe punishment possible, a stark difference from the more cautious, forgiving guidelines previously in place. In 2013, Holder issued a memo instructing prosecutors to avoid charging certain defendants with certain mandatory minimum sentences in relation to low-level drug offenders. The memo was an attempt at mercy in order to lessen the long-term consequences for non-violent, low-level...

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Trump Threatens to End Press Briefings Because His Team Can’t Keep Up With His Lies

In a slew of tweets issued early Friday morning, President Trump threatened to end the longstanding tradition of daily press briefings between the White House Press Secretary and members of the White House press. To explain his hopes to blur the lines of transparency even further, President Trump blamed the dishonest press for being too hard on his press secretary and deputy press secretary after the Deputy, Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeatedly botched the handling of Comey-related questions. In his tweet, Trump argued that releasing official statements rather than holding the daily briefings would be more accurate. As a very active...

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