Author: Sydney Robinson

Trump Suggests He Has Privately Taped Conversations with Comey

Yet again, President Trump’s unhinged tweets have gotten him in trouble, this time bordering on the illegal. In a tweetstorm issued early Friday morning, Trump hit back at fired FBI Director James Comey for leaking to the press, threatening his new political enemy that he may have taped their conversations and would use those recordings against him if need be. Trump suspected – as many others have – that a story published by the New York Times was anonymously sourced by Comey. The story claims that Trump sat down during a private dinner with Comey during which he asked...

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Trump Dangles the Tax Return Carrot: “Maybe I’ll release them after I’m finished”

In an interview with the Economist, President Trump once again teased the public when he said that he may decide to release his tax returns after he is out of office – you know, when they are completely useless. During the interview, Trump once again repeated the lie that only reporters are interested in the contents of his tax returns. “Nobody cares about my tax return except for the reporters,” Trump said. On the contrary, the large protests held across the country on Tax day in April seemed to make that lie appear clear enough. “Oh, at some point...

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Guy Who Thinks Birth Certificates Should Be Required to Vote Now Heading Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission

President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday in order to establish a commission to review and investigate current election laws in order to look into voter fraud and voter suppression. While Trump is hoping the second part about suppression will be enough to please Democrats, already we are seeing that the commission is yet another anti-minority witch hunt intent on establishing more precedent for more extreme voting laws which disenfranchise low-income and minority voters. The most flagrant evidence of this nefarious intent is the man who is being appointed to head the commission: a...

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Creepy Rick Scott to Head Super PAC Focused On Winning Young & Minority Voters

In an effort to fight back against a trend of young people voting for Democrats, the GOP has decided to place Florida Governor Rick Scott, of all people, at the head of a super PAC intended to attract the votes of young people and Hispanics. The PAC is called “New Republican,” and purports to focus on winning young and Hispanic support around Republican issues like deregulation and economic policies. They hope to achieve this by positioning the views of the Republican party as “new” and open,” in contrast with the Democratic party’s “old” and “closed” view. According to Scott,...

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Fox News Still Paying Big For Roger Ailes’ Sexual Crimes

Though it has been almost a year since former Fox President Roger Ailes was ousted from the network, the conservative news source that remains mired in controversy is still paying the bills for Ailes. As it turns out, when dozens of women finally come forward to reveal years of abuse from a high-level Fox executive, the residual effects of that last long after the executive leaves the network. As a result, 21st Century Fox has paid $10 million for crimes committed by Ailes in the first three months of 2017 alone. All told, Fox has so far shelled out $45...

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