Author: Sydney Robinson

Comey Wasn’t Fired For Hurting Hillary – He Was Fired For Finally Doing His Job

Thanks to a slew of news reports that have flooded the internet since the abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey, we now can confidently assume that he was not fired for the reason provided by the White House, but rather because he was becoming more invested in the Russia investigation and appeared to be getting too close to damning evidence. Comey, who was fired far away from his D.C. office while addressing FBI employees in L.A., had reportedly asked for increased updates on the ongoing investigation and had requested more resources from the federal government regarding the case....

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After Comey Firing, Spicer Hides In Bushes To Avoid Press Questions

We all deal with tragedy in different ways, and when you’re the Press Secretary for Donald Trump’s White House, sometimes that means hiding in bushes like an ashamed dog. On Tuesday evening as Washington swirled with questions and outrage concerning the impromptu firing of FBI Director James Comey, Press Secretary Sean Spicer hid between two large shrubs at the White House, refusing to emerge in order to answer press questions. The suddenly camera-shy Secretary directed reporters to turn off their cameras and lights and instead join him in the shrubbery to answer some of their questions. This resulted in a hilarious...

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Betsy DeVos Booed and Shunned by Graduating Class While Giving Commencement Address

In a shocking display of unity, a group of graduating students expressed their disdain for the Secretary of Education on Wednesday as she attempted to give a commencement address. DeVos, a particularly unpopular appointee of the Trump administration, seemed intent on giving her congratulations and ‘wise’ words to the students in caps and gowns, but the persistent boos from the students and audience drowned her out. Even as school administrators tried to threaten the students into silence, saying they would cancel the event if the booing continued, the students remained strong. Even as DeVos charged on with her address, ignoring...

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Comey Learned of His Own Firing From a Breaking News Alert While Addressing FBI Employees

As many people debate over whether or not President Trump overstepped his bounds while firing FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, one thing is abundantly clear: like most other things the Trump administration does, it was handled horribly. How do we know? Well besides the fact that White House staff was utterly shocked that they were barraged with questions from the media immediately after the news broke, and besides the fact that Sean Spicer literally hid in a bush to avoid the press, Comey had to find out he was fired while he was addressing his bureau through a...

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Make It Stop: Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Mulls Presidential Bid

Now that celebrity dunce Donald Trump has made his way to the highest office in the land, every other boneheaded, overpaid celebrity thinks they might as well give this presidential thing a try as well! The latest in a long string of celebrity presidential hopefuls is Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson who announced on Wednesday that there’s a “real possibility” he may run for president. Johnson said that his presidential ambitions began in earnest when people began asking him frequently about it. So many people asked in earnest that he figured he had better think long and hard about what...

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