Author: Sydney Robinson

Reporter Arrested For Asking HHS Director Question He Refused to Answer

The White House’s assault on the freedom of speech and a free press continued on Tuesday when a reported was handcuffed and arrested for persisting in asking questions to the Health and Human Services Director Tom Price during a public appearance. Reporter for Public News Service Dan Heyman attempted to ask Price about whether or not the Republican healthcare plan would include domestic violence as a preexisting condition. A fair question, as that statement has been heavily circulated online. Responding to the question would have been an easy way for Price to silence some of the more extreme rumors...

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Paul Ryan Keeps His Wisconsin Seat Thanks To Gerrymandering and Rampant Voter ID Laws

As Democrats begin to look forward to the 2018 election, putting together attack ads and finding candidates to oppose the GOP’s biggest offenders, one Congressman seems woefully out of reach: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Next to President Trump, Ryan is without a doubt the most reprehensible Republican in office today. Not only does he have bad ideas and a total apathy for the well-being of Americans (in fact, some suggest that he enjoys causing pain and suffering to the little folk), but he is in a unique position of power in a unique time in U.S. government,...

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BREAKING: James Comey Has Been Fired

On Tuesday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced that FBI Director James Comey had been fired. In the press release, Spicer announced that Comey had been fired by President Trump and that he acted “based on the clear recommendations of both Deputy Attorney General Rod Resenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.” Spicer said that the search for a new FBI director would begin immediately, naming no possible candidates.   comey…….. my boy…….. — Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg) May 9, 2017 The letter Trump sent to Comey was also released on Tuesday afternoon in which he informs the...

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BREAKING: Chelsea Manning to Be Released Next Week

Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence analyst who has been imprisoned in a military prison since 2010 for charges of violating the Espionage act associated with a massive leak of military documents to WikiLeaks, is set to be released next week. Manning’s release comes after President Obama performed a midnight commutation of the former Army member’s 35-year sentence. Though the administration seemed to go back and forth over whether or not to commute Manning’s sentence, strong advocacy on her behalf won out in the end. Manning’s release date is not yet known, though a White House statement noted that her...

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Contaminated Nuclear Site At Risk As Tunnel of Radioactive Waste Begins Collapse

The Hanford Nuclear site appears to have partially collapsed, creating an unknown hazard around the site which is full of radioactive waste and other contaminants. The nuclear site which is located in Washington State announced their emergency on Tuesday afternoon after taking note of what appeared to be a cave-in near a now-defunkt uranium site. The site posted an emergency bulletin calling on employees to evacuate and take shelter. The warning came about as a result of a collapse in a tunnel located near a former processing facility. The bulletin warned employees to take shelter because “the tunnels contain contaminated...

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