Author: Sydney Robinson

Le Pen’s Loss Is a Victory – But Not the End of Far-Right Politics

On Sunday, the world breathed a sigh of relief when it was discovered that far-right candidate in the French presidential election Marine Le Pen had failed to secure the majority vote in the run-off election. In a head-to-head with centrist Emmanuel Macron, Le Pen garnered just under 34 percent of the vote, a smaller percentage than many expected in the wake of a leak of information shortly before election day. But while we can rightfully take a moment to celebrate the triumph over far-right politics in yet another advanced nation (looking at you, U.S.A.!), the fact that Le Pen grew to...

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For Republicans Who Voted For the Disastrous AHCA Bill, Attack Ads Have Already Begun

The elections in 2018 may be quite a ways off, but already, opponents of Republicans congresspeople are hard at working convincing their constituents that they can do better next time around. Thanks to the forced-through and ill-advised AHCA bill which was passed in the House last week, attack ads have already begun circulating on your local television channels, targeting those who voted “yes” on the horrific healthcare bill. From organization Save my Care comes the first of what will surely be many attack ads of its kind against Congresswoman McSally. The ad simply states the truth: that Martha McSally voted in...

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Obama Asks Congress to Have “Courage” In Opposing Republican Healthcare Plan

Speaking out against the concerted effort to repeal his healthcare plan for the first time since becoming a private citizen, President Barack Obama urged members of Congress to have courage and look at facts, not partisanship, when making such a vital decision about the healthcare of millions. The former president broke his silence while accepting a Profile in Courage award at the John f. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston on Sunday night. President Obama used his award which highlights courage to focus on many in Congress who took office the same year he did in 2009, when...

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Sally Yates’ Testimony Expected to Strongly Contradict White House Account of Michael Flynn

Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates is set to be called to the stand today before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee investigating former NSA Secretary Michael Flynn. While the White House has continued to defend Flynn and argued that it is the Obama administration’s fault that he was hired despite his clear conflicts and crimes, Yates is expected to refute that argument strongly. Yates is expected to give her side of the story regarding claims that she warned the Trump administration about Flynn’s ties long before he was ousted from the administration. When the claim was first reported, the White House...

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Man Who Disfigured Gay Couple With Boiling Water Received 40 Years in Prison

An Atlanta man who traumatized and severely disfigured a gay couple has been found guilty of eight counts of aggravated battery and eight counts of aggravated assault. Martin Blackwell has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for his calculated attack against the son of his girlfriend and his boyfriend who lay sleeping when he doused them in boiling water. Blackwell’s attack on the two men occurred in 2016 and came about shortly after one of the victims, Anthony Gooden, informed his family that he was gay. Blackwell returned home from work to find Gooden and his boyfriend Marquez Tolbert...

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