Author: Sydney Robinson

Court rules Same-Sex Couples Can Seek Damages Against Kim Davis

When Kentucky clerk of court Kim Davis made her religious stand against marriage equality, she won many fans in the evangelical community and made a martyr of herself in her refusal to recognize others’ humanity. Now, that ‘stand’ may be coming back to haunt her. A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that a lawsuit seeking damages against Davis for her obstruction can be revived, meaning that same-sex couples whose lives were impeded by Davis’ failure to carry out her duties may be compensated. The case was initially struck down in a lower court which claimed that a later...

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After Taco Bowl Fiasco, Trump To Skip Cinco De Mayo Celebration Tradition

Ending a tradition that has lasted at the White House for the past 16 years, President Trump will reportedly not be hosting any events for Cinco De Mayo, a traditional Mexican holiday. In the past, the event has been observed by both Republican and Democratic presidents, but like many other official events, the Trump Administration seems less than interested. No doubt, this decision to skip the holiday belonging to our Southern neighbor will be considered in line with past actions and attitudes from Trump towards Mexico and other South American nations. On Cinco De Mayo last year, President Trump...

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Jimmy Kimmel Offers Tearful Defense of the Affordable Care Act

As Republicans continue to wage war on the Affordable Care Act without a single viable replacement in sight, many are having to think hard about what it might mean to lose some of the most vital aspects of the ACA in their own lives. Taking a break from the levity and merriment of his nightly show, Jimmy Kimmel shared his own recent experience with the American medical system when it came to his own newly born son. When Billy Kimmel was born just last week, the infant was rushed off to emergency surgery as a result of a dangerous...

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Hannity On His Way Out? Fox Host Planning Exit After Resignation of President

Sean Hannity is reportedly eyeing the exit after the abrupt resignation of Fox co-President Bill Shine. Having been previously quoted saying that if Shine left, that would signal the end of the Fox News channel for good, it is unsurprising that Hannity may now be leaving. Still, his exit would signal a new low for the floundering network that has seen its biggest stars fired, resigned, or embroiled in scandal. According to the Daily Beast, Hannity was already panicking about the editorial angle the network might soon take, but with Shine gone, Hannity sees no reason to remain at...

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Trump Releases Ad Calling Media “Fake News” – CNN Refuses to Air It

As it turns out, if you want to label the entirety of news media “fake news,” you are going to have a hard time finding a way to share that message with an audience. Over the weekend, the Trump campaign released an ad praising President Trump’s first 100 days in office and lampooning the “news” for not covering him favorably. CNN announced on Tuesday that they would refuse to air the ad from President Trump because it includes a graphic labeling the news media – including CNN – as “fake news.” In the ad, a patriotic voice notes the few accomplishments of Trump’s first 100...

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