Author: Sydney Robinson

Florida Amendment Seeks to Restore Voting Rights to Convicted Felons

Florida is one of four states in the U.S. that continue to punish felons long after they have served their sentences and returned to society in the form of a lifelong restriction on voting rights. In Florida alone, there are 1.5 million felons who would otherwise be eligible to vote who are barred by law from doing so. The law has been in place in one way or another since 1838, and now, an advocacy group is hoping to remove it once and for all. Led by one felon Floridian, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition seeks to amend the state’s constitution...

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EPA Website Eliminates Page on Climate Change

On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency quietly wiped its government website of most of the information related to climate change, a further sign that this administration has no interest in exploring the ways that we can preserve our planet. With no reason given, the previously established pages giving information about global warming and climate change which had been in place for two decades were wiped on Friday, leaving a “page is under construction” placeholder. When asked for comment, EPA officials explained that they were clearing out “outdated language,” in order to provide a clearer picture of the EPA’s current goals....

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Trump Says His Golf Trips “Cost Almost Nothing”

President Donald Trump is really very upset that we all think he shouldn’t go golfing every weekend because really, he could be spending even more taxpayer money if he wanted! At least that’s how he described it in an interview this week with Fox News when he explained that he likes to visit his own properties because they cost far less to secure than Trump Tower in New York City. “I have a lot of property. So if I go to my clubs like in New Jersey, they’ll say, ‘Oh he is going to play golf.’ I am not...

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Trump Placing Anti-Choice Advocate At Department of Health

A woman who has made a name for herself by being staunchly anti-science and anti-choice is set to be placed in a key position at the Department of Health thanks to President Donald Trump. Continuing a trend of appointing individuals who are uniquely unqualified for their roles, Trump plans to appoint a woman who has knowingly spread misinformation regarding abortion to the masses.   Charmaine Yoest is the former president of the anti-abortion group Americans United for Life, and most notably spread information which correlation abortions to cancer – a blatantly false, manipulative narrative. Yoest’s career began in the Reagan...

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New Bill Seeks to Ban Conversion Therapy Nationwide

While Republicans continue their legislative assaults on the LGBT community in states all over the nation, Democratic lawmakers are attempting to protect this vulnerable population by proposing legislation to outlaw conversion therapy nationwide. The Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act of 2017 seeks to ban nationwide the controversial and abusive practice known as conversion therapy, an attempt to brainwash, coerce, or torture homosexuals away from their sexuality and into more traditional roles of gender and sexuality. If the bill passes, it would allow the Federal Trade Commission to classify conversion therapy and those who practice it as fraudulent. The bill was introduced by...

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