Author: Sydney Robinson

Ask Obama Why the Hell We are Still Killing Our Troops in an Afghanistan Disaster

After a failed 14 year occupation in Afghanistan, Americans are truly beginning to wonder when President Obama will bring our troops home for good. America’s involvement in Afghanistan has been incredibly costly, and even after so much has been done to remove the Taliban and build a framework for Afghani government to step back in, rising insurgency and crumbling infrastructure works to undermine and destroy any good our military presence has done. “The Taliban victory in Kunduz and their significant territorial gains this year have shocked many in Afghanistan. Fourteen years after a U.S.-led invasion supplanted the Taliban, and after many billions of...

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Dr. Malpractice Blathers about China in Syria; White House has No Comment

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest claimed to be speechless after being asked if he was concerned about recent remarks from Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Malpractice himself, who vowed to prove that China is involved in the conflict in Syria. At the White House press briefing this morning, Earnest talked about the airstrike that most likely killed “Jihadi John.” After the substance of the briefing was out of the way, Earnest was then asked if he was aware that Carson intended to release evidence of China’s involvement. After a pregnant pause and an outbreak of laughter from the press, Earnest did not attempt to...

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Liz Cheney Wants to Carry on Her Psycho Father’s Pathetic Political Legacy

Beware, America: Another Cheney is set to wreak havoc on American politics. Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz Cheney announced Thursday that she was seriously considering a run for Wyoming representative in the House after current representative Cynthia Lummis announced she would not be seeking re-election. Liz Cheney is V.P. Cheney’s eldest daughter and no doubt, he is heavily involved in her election considerations. “I am taking a serious look at running and will be discussing this with my family and others around the state as I make my decision in the coming weeks,” Cheney told The Associated Press by email....

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Judge Tells Same Sex Couple: You Are Not Fit to be Parents

A lesbian couple in Utah were recently victims of blatant discrimination when they were told by a juvenile court judge that he believed they were unfit parents due to their same sex marriage. The Judge, Scott Johansen, ordered that the couple surrender the child they had fostered for three months due to research he claimed to have found which said that children did better when raised by heterosexual parents. Research that is of course a complete crock due to a lack of numbers on homosexual marriage and child-rearing. “We’ve been told to care for this child like a mother...

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Home Depot CEO: Minimum Wage Increases Kill Jobs: Remember that When You Shop There

Former CEO and Co-founder of Home Depot Bernie Marcus appeared on Fox News on Wednesday to argue that the proposed $15 minimum wage is a “killer” and should not be raised. Marcus’s rationale was based upon a misguided idea that people who work minimum wage jobs are just kids looking for a little bit of pocket money rather than Americans in all walks of life who have bills to pay and families to support. “I don’t think that minimum wage, that entry jobs are for a family man with two kids, I just don’t think that’s where they go” Of...

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