Author: Sydney Robinson

Texas: Spare the Taser Spoil the Kid; Taser Use in Schools is the Texas Norm

In Texas, it is A-okay for a school resource officer to tase students whom they consider to be out of control. In the case of 17 year old Nino de Rivera, his attempt to break up a fight resulted in an electric shock which threw him to the ground and caused severe brain damage, putting him in a medically induced coma. A growing number of people are raising concerns about the Texas school system’s liberal use of Tasers, many pointing out that Texas juvenile detention centers do not allow Tasers to be used on children in their facility. “Tasers —...

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With a Little Luck ‘Jihad John’ is Now an ISIS Dust Cloud

Jihad John, Islamic State ringleader and murderer of American and British citizens, has hopefully been killed by an American air attack on what is reported to be “a car carrying four foreign Islamic State leaders.” Thursday’s attack in the town of Raqqa, Islamic State’s de facto capital, probably killed John. Though there is not official confirmation yet, several sources in Raqqa have said he was killed in the attack. Secretary of State John Kerry could not confirm Jihad John’s death. Jihad John, whose true identity is Mohammed Emwazi, is wanted by the U.S. and British government after he appeared...

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NRA Advertisement Encourages Vigilante Gun Violence

The NRA has begun a new pro-gun ad campaign called Freedom’s Safest Place which uses fake patriotic language and ominous music in order to try to convey a sense of danger and impending doom regarding ISIS and Islamic extremists. Images of trains, skyscrapers, the Capitol building and more, all cast in grey scale, flash across the screen as a man who represents the everyday God-fearing American talks directly to an imagined Islamic extremist. “I cower to no one because I am the National Rifle Association of America” These ads are nothing more than a reinforcing scare tactic to those who already...

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Fundie Parents Starve and Abuse Adopted Daughter

A radically religious Christian couple from Georgia are being charged with horrible abuse of their adopted daughter who claims she was kept in unlivable conditions during her six years in the home. The victim was homeschooled from the time she was adopted at age 9 and was subjected to multiple daily tortures based on biblical proverbs and commandments. Among the unspeakable abuses, the girl was forced to sleep in a chicken coop with no clothes, stay locked in a shed with various chemicals and no air circulation during her menstruation, was beaten regularly, and was often deprived of food for long periods of...

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Poll: Sanders More Electable Than Trump, Bush

In the most recent McClatchy-Marist poll, Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to hold his advantage over Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, and most other Republican candidates. This poll is the first to report that Sanders holds an advantage over Jeb Bush, a sign that true Democratic values are gaining ground as Big Business politicians are on their way out. Previous polls have had Sanders and Bush neck and neck, with Bush sometimes polling slightly higher. The only Republican that Sanders polled below was Dr. Ben Carson, which is troubling. Of course, when Carson inevitably drops from the race in order...

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