Author: Sydney Robinson

Why is Corporate Media Unwilling to Say What We All Know: A GOP Passel of BUFFOONS

Comedian Larry Wilmore is willing to say what corporate media wont: That GOP candidates are just plain stupid. During “The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore,” Wilmore dedicated a segment to going over the most recent GOP debate, pointing to gaffes and outright crazy spewed by the candidates. Wilmore jabbed at Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Trump, concluding that they were sleepy, religiously insane, misguided on the value of intelligent thinking, and in Trumps case, just plain stupid. “And to quote noted philosopher Forrest Gump’s Mom, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.'” “If stupid gets power, it can ‘does’ stuff like this,” Wilmore...

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Republicans, You’ve Got Mail: Postal Union Backs Bernie

For the second time, a major union has stepped up to back Senator Bernie Sanders in his run for president. The American Postal Workers Union announced their endorsement today shortly before the upcoming Democratic debate on Saturday the 14th. APWU president Mark Dimondstein had several positive comments about the candidate including: “No other candidate has his record of standing with workers on picket lines, fighting for a $15 per hour minimum wage, supporting free public college tuition, and advocating for veterans’ benefits,” Dimondstein said. “And no other candidate has his record of fighting to defend and expand Social Security, promoting Medicare for all,...

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Dr. Malpractice: Free College Will Obliterate America

For a man who clearly received a substantial amount of college education in order to become a neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben “Malpractice” Carson has declared that a free and equal college education for everyone will spell the ultimate destruction of the nation. Carson, when referencing a person who has apparently fallen under the spell of evil media and the nebulous “they” who is being told about free college tuition says, “They’ll say, ‘oh what a wonderful person,’ and they have no idea that all you’re talking about is hastening the destruction of the nation.” The increased media scrutiny the Good...

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The American Public Truthfully is Stupid Enough to Believe this Ad: That’s How GOP Wins

If the Republican party is good at one thing, it is being able to manipulate poor and middle class people to vote against their interests. This latest ad from the an extreme right-wing group portrays regular American citizens being denied the loans they so badly seem to need by the evil and corporate Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The advertisement’s call to action urges viewers to “Tell Congress: Stop the CFPB.” To an educated American, a regulatory agency which oversees major loans from monstrous banks is a welcome government intervention after the massive housing bubble and Great Recession of 2008, caused...

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Colbert Has Fun With the Newest Idiot Repug Talking Point: Coffee Cups

“Late Show” host Colbert is at his best when he is fully, sarcastically, embracing the outrage of the extreme right. On Wednesday’s episode Colbert went all-in to indulge the War Against Christmas right wing rage, talking about important Christmas story elements like the “three wise snowmen” who “did not last long in the desert.” “I could go for a myrrh latte,” Colbert quipped, pointing out the complete inconsistency between Starbucks-targeted Christmas rage and the actual Christmas story elements. Colbert also gave the infamous Facebook fanatic who began this entire red cup issue a bit of air time, arguing that “Paul...

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