Author: Sydney Robinson

Fox News Would Rather You Not Be Very Educated

Fox and Friends’ Bryan Kilmeade asserted Wedneday morning that people who pursue intellectual and liberal arts education rather than technical skills are less successful and practically wasting their time. “Plato would have been so much more successful if he had just welded and stopped yapping about his philosophy,” Kilmeade said. The comment came during an interview with Sen. Marco Rubio who made similar comments at Tuesday night’s debate. Rubio argued for more technical jobs in the US and an increased emphasis on technical education over subjects like philosophy. The example he used as a preferred career was a welder, which is why...

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Trump’s Grand Deportation Delusion: Building a Wall on Mexico’s Dime

Presidential candidate Donald Trump has once again displayed his sick delusions about building a border between the United States and Mexico. At previous debates, Trump has promised that he would build a wall between the US and Mexico, and what’s more, that Mexico would pay for it. It almost seems like a joke from the kooky candidate, but Trump has continued to reaffirm his stance at last night’s debate and again on a guest spot at Morning Joe.  The debate featured Trump’s belief that all illegal immigrants should- no, must- be deported based on President Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback,” a...

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Rubio V.S. Paul: Republicans Tearing Each Other Apart

It’s always refreshing when Republican candidates work to destroy their party without any Liberal intervention. During Tuesday’s debate Rand Paul, the radical Senator from Kentucky, took any chance he could to call out what he saw were inaccuracies and contradictions in the comments made by his fellow debaters. The exchanges were particularly heated between Paul and Marco Rubio. Rand’s libertarian-leaning politics appeared in comments calling fiscally conservative Rubio out on his hypocrisy when it came to his eagerness to throw money at the military budget. Rand was not afraid to interrupt Rubio to question his policy proposals: How is it conservative to add a trillion...

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Fiorina’s All Out Attack on the Clintons as Consistent Liars: Fox Has a New Hero

During Tuesday night’s GOP debate on Fox Business, presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina focused completely on drawing a clear distinction between herself and Hillary Clinton and attempting to communicate the imperative nature of not electing the former Secretary of State, winning the heart of every Fox News pundit and viewer. Expressing a passion not seen in her other talking points, Fiorina has shown in past debates that she consistently feels pressure to measure up and surpass the hype surrounding Hillary Clinton. Referring to herself in the first person, Fiorina spent her last moments of Tuesday’s debate with a call to action: “Carly Fiorina...

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Kasich Brags About How He Took Health Insurance Away From Poor People in Ohio

Not only has Ohio Governor John Kasich drastically reduced his state’s use of Medicare and Medicaid, he recently bragged about it at the GOP debate and promised that he could “do it thrice” to the entirety of the United States if elected. Kasich said that he somehow did not cut benefits or kick anyone off of the programs, but reduced the ten percent growth down to two-and-a-half percent. He must have some black magic up his sleeves, because no one can figure out how he Houdini’d those numbers. Regardless, Kasich claims that he can do the same thing to the national...

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