Author: Sydney Robinson

Draconian DEA Chief Says Marijuana Isn’t Medicine

DEA chief Chuck Rosenberg has called medical marijuana a “joke,” arguing that smoking the plant has no proven medicinal value. In one way, Chief Rosenberg is right- scientifically proven medical marijuana effects have not existed in the strictest sense, particularly because studies on cannabis have been extremely limited and subject to bias. For decades, cannabis has been demonized and called a gateway drug despite evidence to the contrary. Even Chief Rosenberg admits during his remarks that cannabis extracts and oils have been proven to have many benefits, but he disagrees that traditional marijuana use can have any effects resembling “medicine.”...

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Rubio Prepares to Beg for Establishment Money

At the upcoming GOP debate, Marco Rubio will make his bid for the position of Establishment Candidate in the Republican Party, hoping to replace drowning Jeb Bush and gain a sizable chunk of unclaimed donations. Tonight’s debate will feature a slimmed down stage featuring a mere eight Republican candidates in Milwaukee as they battle for who can be the most “God Bless America”-like. With a faltering Bush, and other candidates being too controversial or fringe for traditional donors to get behind, attention is quickly turning to Rubio as the GOP’s only hope. Several top fundraisers have come out for Rubio recently, with several jumping ship from the...

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Kissinger Was the Perfect Role Model for War Criminals

Today, America retains the title of “World Police,” mostly due to the policies and actions of former national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The policies that Kissinger implemented in his time serving President Richard Nixon have had a staggering effect on politics today. During his time as Secretary of State, Kissinger worked to gain Nixon’s approval by encouraging diplomacy through violence. Kissinger practically invented the idea of bombing a country into submission, an idea which has been echoed by political leaders ever since. Due to Kissinger, between 1969 and 1973, the U.S. dropped half-a-million tons of bombs on Cambodia alone, killing at least 100,000 civilians....

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Wingnut Pastor: Better to Drown Your Kids Than Allow Them to Read Harry Potter

At the very same speech in which Pastor Kevin Swanson called for the death of all homosexuals in the presence of three Republican presidential candidates, the crazed fanatic also called for the death of children who read Harry Potter and watch “How to Train Your Dragon.” Swanson’s grievances toward the films and books involved their apparent endorsement of homosexuality; “America, repent that Dumbledore emerged as a homosexual mentor for Harry Potter, that Hiccup’s mentor in ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ emerged as a homosexual himself in order that history might repeat itself one more time,” Swanson said. The hateful evangelist encouraged parents...

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Time to Convert Your Jewish Friends to Christianity: Bachmann says Rapture is Here

Former U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann made outrageous claims about the End of Times on Wednesday during a radio interview with Tony Perkins. Bachmann, who attempted to win the presidency in 2012, was eager to relay her prophesy regarding Jews and Doomsday. “Day by day by day, we are seeing the fulfillment of scripture,” Bachmann said. She declared that signs of the inevitable apocalypse appeared in “almost every article in the paper.” Bachmann has been no stranger to extreme comments in the past, but this time she turned her attention to the Jewish faith: “That’s why we as a remnant want to be...

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