Author: Sydney Robinson

Study: Religious Kids Tend to Be Mean and Selfish Little Jerks

Despite what their Christian mommies may think, little Nevaeh and tiny Jacob are generally more selfish and judgmental than their non-religious counterparts. Some might argue that most children are mean and selfish by nature, yet when it comes to a recent study in Current Biology, it has been determined that children who live in a religious family and adhere to some type of religious belief are significantly less generous and more judgmental than their non-religious peers. This flies in the face of what our society seems to believe about the benefits of religion and its inclination to demonize atheism. A...

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Deadlier, Bigger and More Frequent Diseased Food Outbreaks: Republican Deregulation at Work

The food we eat in the United States is not to be trusted, in part due to a Republican push to deregulate. What is it that is in our food? Most often, it is pathogens like Lysteria and E. Coli. In 2014, 48 million Americans were sickened by pathogenic bacteria which resulted in 128,000 hospitalizations and over 3,000 deaths. The growth of monopolistic corporations have contributed substantially to this massive issue; Because competition has been driven out as large corporations dominate the food market, there is less oversight, and regulations come slowly if at all. We are importing goods...

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For You Fools Who Still Don’t Understand Climate Change Realities

As much as some people are interested in ignoring the realities of climate change and the devastating effects it will have on our world and population, a new report from the World Bank has declared that as many as 100 million people will be be impoverished by 2030 due to our refusal to reduce emissions and fortify the poor with resources to combat a changing climate. As we have seen firsthand in recent years, an increasingly unstable climate means an increase in natural disasters such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.. These natural disasters disproportionately affect the very poor, particularly in...

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Paul Ryan Leaves Gov’t Shutdown Option for Crazy Tea Partiers, No Surprise Here

New House Speaker, the same old Tea Party politics as newly elected Speaker of the House Paul Ryan vows to “go on offense on ideas.” Rather than push for cooperation and compromise, Ryan argues that House Republicans need to be “more specific . . . more bold.” Many feared that John Boehner’s resignation spelled disaster for a Congress weighed down by the demands of an increasingly unstable Far Right. After Tuesday’s press conference, it appears those fears might become reality as Speaker Ryan gives a clear go-ahead to Republicans to attempt to hide as many harmful provisions in important bills as possible....

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VA Tells Living Man His Benefits are Revoked Because He’s Dead

It has long been established that The Department of Veterans Affairs is a complete mess which fails to live up to the promises our country has made to veterans. Now the VA seems to have sunk to a new low as it tells a living man that his benefits have been cut because he is deceased. Florida man Mike Reiker recently learned of his unfortunate passing when his disability check from the VA didn’t arrive in the mail as usual. When Reiker called to investigate the issue, he was told that his wife had informed the VA of his death. “But I...

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