Author: Sydney Robinson

Obama Has Been Lying to Us for Years About TPP: Don’t Take ROF’s Word for It, READ IT

Thursday morning the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership was released online, free for any individual to peruse. Dauntingly, the details include 30 chapters of more than 2,000 pages throughout. These 2,000 plus pages detail the possible partnership between 12 participating countries in a trade deal that the president promised would stimulate the American economy and the economy of every country who signs on to the agreement. It is clear that it is yet another way that legislation is being crafted in order to benefit large corporations and to line the pockets of those who dominate the markets. The TPP...

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Trump Will Be Comfortable With the New Right Wing NBC : Watch the New MSNBC if You Doubt That

Despite a recent history of tension between NBC and Donald Trump and a rash of protests from groups who are against the pairing, Trump will be allowed to spread his Latino-hating rhetoric on Saturday Night Live this weekend. The tempestuous love story between NBC and Trump has been and continues to be a relationship fraught with conflict and broken promises which rivals the likes of Romeo and Juliet or even Kim and Kanye. The on-again off-again couple seems to be on once more, if for nothing more than a weekend romp of Saturday Night Live. NBC had vowed in...

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Make Sure You See Tarantino’s New Movie: That Will Really Piss Off Whiney Police Unions

The New York Police Union has been calling for a boycott of Quentin Tarantino’s films after he spoke at a rally in protest of police brutality. The call for a boycott came after Tarantino spoke about the militarization of police and of the increased prevalence of racial profiling at a protest on October 24. Tarantino referred to cops who he felt were a part of this profiling and violence as “murderous” and demanded that the offending officers be brought to justice. The union responded by attempting to discredit Tarantino based on the content of his films. A major theme...

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Two More Repug Bumpkins Kicked Off the Debate Stage: As if That is an Improvement

The ridiculous circus act that is the GOP debates has dwindled to a oh-so-modest eight as Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee fail to secure the required polling percentages to join their fellow clowns on the main stage. For the upcoming November 10 Republican presidential debate Fox Business Network announced that they would be giving the two candidates the boot as they failed to meet an average of 2.5 percent support in recent national polls. Of course, a kids table debate will be provided for the candidates that just won’t give up; Christie and Huckabee will be joining Rick Santorum and Bobby...

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Carson Blames Mannatech Controversy on Rival Campaign Conspiracy

After Dr. Ben Carson was called out on his “bald-face lie” regarding his involvement with Mannatech, he is now claiming that the recent inquiry is a result of another campaign victimizing him. Manntech, a nutritional supplement company that has come under harsh criticism for making thinly veiled claims about curing a multitude of diseases has been linked to Dr. Carson multiple times. Records exist which show Carson giving multiple speeches speaking positively about the product. Despite Carson’s claim to the contrary, the fact is that he did have an involvement with Manntech, regardless of whether or not he had an official relationship with them....

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