Author: Sydney Robinson

Florida State Senator calls Black Colleagues ‘N—-rs’ In Racist & Sexist Attack

The Florida Democratic Party are calling for the resignation of a Florida State Senator after he went on a racist and sexist tirade against two black colleagues at a club Monday evening. Senator Frank Artiles of Miami, a Cuban-American, targeted his racial and gender-based remarks at Senators Audrey Gibson and Perry Thurston who he was having drinks with at the Governor’s Club in Tallahassee. Artiles began his tirade by suggesting that Republican Sen. Joe Negron was only elected as the State’s Senate President because of “six n—-rs.” The discussion between Artiles and his two black colleagues turned heated and the State...

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Nikki Haley Speaks Out Against Torture & Arrest of Suspected Gay Men In Chechnya

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley spoke out this week and called for an investigation into ongoing reports coming from Chechnya that the government is arresting, torturing and murdering suspected homosexuals in the Russian state. Haley issued a statement regarding the growing human rights issue, calling for facts to be verified and crimes stopped: “If true, this violation of human rights cannot be ignored ― Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations, hold anyone involved accountable, and take steps to prevent future abuses.” “We are against all forms of discrimination, including against people based on sexual orientation. When...

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Glenn Beck Countersues Tomi Lahren

In an attempt to regain control of the narrative from his junior, Blaze founder Glenn Beck announced on Monday that he was counter-suing employee Tomi Lahren after she sued him and the network for wrongful termination. Lahren was permanently suspended from the network she dominated after she made an appearance on “The View” in which she espoused pro-choice beliefs and called Conservatives who valued small government but championed pro-life values “hypocrites.” Considering Lahren’s entire career is built on telling angry conservatives what they want to hear while looking perfectly manicured, Lahren’s surprisingly liberal view was not received well. In response,...

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Bernie Said Universal Healthcare Plan Angers Big Pharma – Crowd Replied, “F*ck ‘Em!”

While out an about on his Unity tour with DNC Chairman Tom Perez Monday evening, Senator Sanders addressed a crowd of adoring supporters, talking the usual topics one expects from a progressive: income inequality, corruption on Wall Street, affordable education, universal education, and more. But an unexpected moment occurred at the Portland, Maine rally when Senator Sanders’ spirited speech inspired a bit of extra spirited commentary from the engaged audience. In the middle of pro-universal healthcare applause, one voice in the crowd told the Senator exactly how to treat corporations and industries who wish to get in the way of...

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No Surprise Here: Survey Shows Millennials Care About the Environment A LOT

According to a new poll coming from YouGov, young Americans care a lot more about their impact on the environment than older generations. Unlike those 35 and older, Millennials reported that the majority are actively concerned about how their habits impact the environment, and many of them take action daily to try and reduce their impact on the globe. From YouGov: “When we asked over 1,000 Americans to indicate how concerned they were about how their typical daily activities, such as commuting to work or buying groceries, affect the environment, the results came back divided: 49% expressed concern; 45% did not. That said,...

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