Author: Sydney Robinson

At It Again: Montana Proposes Yet Another Law Attacking Abortion Rights

Another day, another piece of useless legislation meant only to attack a women’s right to choose. Like many other states led by many other Republican, anti-choice leaders, the state of Montana is hoping to pass an extreme anti-abortion legislation which would criminally charge doctors who perform abortions of any kind. S.B. 282 bars abortions past 24 weeks of gestation, making it illegal to perform an abortion for any reason past this point, even if the life of the mother is at stake. Instead, the mother whose life is in danger would be forced to induce labor, giving the fetus...

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Video: GOP Candidate Ruins His Political Career In Just 10 Seconds

In the modern age of high quality video capabilities on cell phones and the ability to share anything with anyone via the internet, politicians who do bad are finding it harder than ever to divorce their political careers from their personal lives. Thus was a lesson learned by a New Jersey Republican who was vying for a seat on the assembly when a 10 second video ruined it all. Brian McDowell, a supporter of Trump and past Apprentice candidate, was enjoying the support of the Cape May County Republican Party for his assembly seat, but it was all ripped...

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Fox Celebrates Dropping MOAB By Playing Toby Keith: “This is What Freedom Looks Like”

On Friday morning’s “Fox and Friends,” things managed to get more absurd than normal when, during the show’s open, they featured footage of the MOAB bomb dropping on Afghanistan while playing a patriotic Toby Keith song. Looking more like a scene out of a comedy sketch, as viewers watched the bomb drop, killing dozens, Toby Keith’s voice rang out, promising death and destruction to America’s enemies. The song, “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue,” which was featured in the aftermath of 9/11, was also one of the few musical performances at Trump’s inauguration-eve event. It appears that the...

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In Chechnya, Authorities Are Capturing & Torturing Homosexuals – Then Denying It

If you were to ask leadership in the nation of Chechnya whether or not there is any truth to ongoing rumors that authorities in the nation are arresting and torturing homosexuals in the nation, they will tell you that it’s false because there are no homosexuals in Chechnya. Thus is the ongoing humanitarian disaster taking place in the Russian-controlled state. Despite officials’ denial, several persecuted residents have reached out to Russian LGBT groups, desperate for help. From NBC News: “Since news broke nearly two weeks ago of authorities in Chechnya arresting men suspected of being gay and torturing them in...

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U.S. Drops Largest Ever Non-Nuclear Bomb In Afghanistan

On Thursday, the United States military dropped the MOAB bomb onto an ISIS stronghold in Afghanistan, marking the first time that such a bomb had been deployed anywhere. The GBU-43, known as the Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb or Mother of All Bombs (MOAB), is the world’s largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in war. It contains 11 tons of explosives and weighs a whopping 22,000 pounds. The bomb was dropped in Nangarhar province in the Eastern part of Afghanistan, purportedly to target an ISIS stronghold in the region. General John Nicholson, the Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reportedly signed...

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