Author: Sydney Robinson

Sean Spicer Defends Hitler With Lies: ‘Even He Didn’t Use Chemical Weapons!’

During Tuesday’s press Briefing, Pres Secretary Sean Spicer issued a false defense of Adolph Hilter while discussing the ongoing issues in Syria in response to a chemical attack and subsequent bombing by the U.S. Spicer was attempting to condemn Russia for its continued relationship with the Syrian government when he made a massive misstep. Rather than making a good point about what Russia should do and how the American people should view that decision, Spicer instead distracted us all with a false, offensive narrative. Said Spicer: “You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to using...

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Maxine Waters Not On-Board With War-Mongering: “Bombing Another Country Doesn’t Make You Presidential”

Maxine Waters wants to make it abundantly clear that she will not applaud President Trump for ordering a missile strike against the Syrian government, regardless of what her peers say. One of President Trump’s staunchest enemies in office is not at all pleased with his military action against a Syrian airfield, and made it clear that she doesn’t side with many other liberal leaders cheering the action this week. Congresswoman Maxine Waters has emerged as one of the leading opponents to the Republican agenda, and even was attacked by Fox host Bill O’Reilly for doing so. Waters has openly...

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Stock Market Responds to United Controversy and It’s Not Looking Good

A day after multiple videos went viral showing a United Airlines passenger being violently assaulted and dragged from a plane in Chicago, the outrage of millions has translated to a major dip in the company’s stocks. As of mid-morning Tuesday, United Continental has lost just shy of a billion dollars in shares after a four percent drop in investments. According to CNBC, “The shares were the worst performer in the S&P 500.” Interestingly, United’s stock didn’t fall on Monday in the peak of the controversy, but instead climbed almost one percent. It wasn’t until the videos went viral in...

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Nasty O’Reilly Watches Video of Brutal Assault of United Passenger And Then Laughs

During the “O’Reilly Factor” on Monday evening, host Bill O’Reilly, currently embroiled in scandal, committed another major misstep when he gave a hearty chuckle in response to a now viral video of a United flight passenger being violently assaulted and dragged from a plane in Chicago. Apparently Bill O’Reilly is eager to lose the five or so advertisers that he still has after the renewed interest in his sexual harassment proclivities. The video showed a 69-year-old Asian doctor being pulled from his seat on-board a United flight against his will, slammed into a headrest, and then dragged unconscious by...

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Political Nobody Martin O’Malley Says Bernie Wouldn’t Have Won Election Against Trump

In a long list of people whose opinion matters, Martin O’Malley falls somewhere between Your Crazy Uncle Who Posts Memes on Facebook and a grey squirrel. Still, the failed presidential candidate felt that he was qualified to speak about the election outcome and posited that if Bernie Sanders had faced Donald Trump in the general election, he wouldn’t have won. O’Malley was asked about the hypothetical during an interview on podcast “DC/BS.” When asked if Bernie might have beaten Trump, a feat Nominee Hillary Clinton failed to achieve, O’Malley responded, “I don’t believe so.” What’s more, O’Malley says that...

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