Author: Sydney Robinson

Trump To Reverse Obama-Era Arctic Drilling Ban

Since President Trump took office just 11 weeks ago (though he claims it’s more like 13), the White House’s attacks on the environment and established regulations has been ceaseless. The most recent of these is an Obama-era ban on drilling in the Arctic that President Trump is reportedly planning to dismantle. The ban on drilling in the Arctic was an eleventh hour order by President Obama in December of 2016. Using existing law, the POTUS extended protections over these fragile ecosystems in an attempt to protect the environment. Though President Obama could have done much more, much sooner, to...

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Snowflake Tomi Lahren Suing Glenn Beck & the Blaze for Firing

The ongoing saga of former Blaze star Tomi Lahren continues this week with a new, decisive move by Lahren: the fired host is suing her former network, and her boss. Lahren explained her actions on Twitter Friday when she posted, “Lay down and play dead really isn’t my style.” Lahren is pursing a wrongful termination lawsuit against The Blaze. Lahren was permanently suspended from the network she dominated after she made an appearance on “The View” in which she espoused pro-choice beliefs and called Conservatives who valued small government but championed pro-life values “hypocrites.” In her lawsuit, Lahren alleges...

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Trump Takes Us to War and Corporate Media Celebrates

From the same news networks that have spent every moment of every day criticizing President Donald Trump now comes cheers and breathless commentary on how the man became President on Thursday evening. What accounts for this dramatic shift in coverage from even the most liberal of media outlets and pundits? War. The dramatic shift came about in the wake of President Trump’s decision to send 59 Tomahawk airstrike missiles at an airfield in Syria in response to a chemical attack this week which killed over 80 Syrian people – many of them children. Earlier, President Trump ominously referenced the...

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Neil Gorsuch Confirmed By Senate As Next Supreme Court Justice

Despite a filibuster, an ongoing FBI investigation, and a previously barred nominee, far-right Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed by the Senate as the next Supreme Court Justice. In a mostly party-lines vote, Gorsuch was confirmed with 54 Senators voting “aye.” Gorsuch had been strongly opposed by Democrats in the Senate because he was appointed to the life-time position by a president many feel won’t be serving his full term. Senators like Elizabeth Warren noted that they shouldn’t be holding any confirmation votes at all when the President is under active investigation by the FBI. In response to...

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BP CEO Forced to Take Pay Cut in Wake of Shareholder Revolt

Oil giant British Patroleum may have effectively swept the long-standing effects of their major oil spill in the Gulf Coast under the rug, but it appears that the company is far from done with controversy. According to BP’s annual report published today, BP CEO Bob Dudley received 40% less in salary and benefits than he had previously received thanks to a major shareholder revolt this time last year. The revolt came about in response to Dudley’s 2015 earnings report which showed a 20 percent increase in his salary which did not reflect the weak performance of the company. As a...

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