Author: Sydney Robinson

Seth Meyers Says Fox News is the “closest thing we have to State TV”

On “Late Night” this week, host Seth Meyers echoed the concerns of many in America when he compared the programming on conservative ‘news’ station Fox News to state-run television. Considering how often President Trump tweets about his beloved Fox News, it’s clear to most anyone that the network is apparently handling the current administration with kid gloves. Meyers comments came in response to the President’s unprompted defense of Fox host Bill O’Reilly from a slew of sexual harassment allegations. Meyers said that Trump’s kind words about O’Reilly was just the “latest example of the symbiotic relationship” between the President...

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Potus Says O’Reilly Did Nothing Wrong – This Woman Says Otherwise

Responding to defending comments made by the President of the United States regarding Bill O’Reilly’s rampant cases of sexual harassment, one of O’Reilly’s victims spoke out on Wednesday, defending herself. On Wednesday, President Trump took a break from acting presidential (a frequent habit) to make a comment on the ongoing scandals surrounding Fox host Bill O’Reilly. Attempting to defend his friend, President Trump said he felt O’Reilly shouldn’t have settled the cases of sexual harassment against him and that he felt that O’Reilly was innocent. As noted in an article from Wednesday, this isn’t the first time Trump has...

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Happening Now: Senate Decides Whether or Not To Use “Nuclear” Option

After a more than 15 hour filibuster led by Senate Democrat Jeff Merkley, the Senate is set to hold a vote on cloture, and if that fails, Senate Republicans may us a “nuclear” option to force the vote. The majority of Democrats in the Senate are fully opposed to SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch, primarily due to factors outside of his qualifications. In response to this opposition, Democrats agreed to a filibuster on the Senate floor which was carried out by Senator Merkley throughout the night on Tuesday and well into the late morning Wednesday. As a result, the scheduled...

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Evangelical Nut Pat Robertson: “We Have Been Dominated By Homosexuals”

With so much going on in the world, it has become hard to pay attention to the small-fry nutsos like Pat Robertson, which is likely why the evangelical pastor felt the need to pull out the big guns this week and declare that homosexuality is “dominating” the American public. Urging Americans to “wake up,” Robertson expressed his deep concern with the direction America is heading. “We have given the ground to a small minority,” he said. “You figure, lesbians, one percent of the population; homosexuals, two percent of the population. That’s all. That’s statistically all. But they have dominated...

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President Trump Defends O’Reilly: “I Don’t Think Bill Did Anything Wrong”

During Sexual Assault Awareness Month – an awareness event created by President Trump – the POTUS went on-record defending Fox host Bill O’Reilly amid his ongoing sexual harassment scandal. The President maintained that despite rampant allegations from a handful of women since 2004, O’Reilly was innocent of the claims made against him. “I think he’s a person I know well — he is a good person. I think he shouldn’t have settled; personally I think he shouldn’t have settled. Because you should have taken it all the way. I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.” Trump is no stranger to settling –...

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