Author: Thom Hartmann

TTIP & Big Oil… Secret Deal Exposed – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Curtis Ellis, Jobs Alliance, join Thom. The final text of the Transpacific Partnership – or SHAFTA as I like to call it – was released earlier this month to the public. That text is finalized and is waiting for Congress to vote on it – but SHAFTA’s Atlantic counterpart – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – is still under negotiation. And observers are increasingly worried that the TTIP could undermine any attempts to curb global CO2 emissions and mitigate the most dire impacts of climate change. In fact – new documents obtained by the Guardian show that...

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White Supremacists Are Scaring Cities – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Joe Madison, The Joe Madison Show/SiriusXM (ch. 126) & Hilary Shelton, NAACP join Thom. Black Lives Matter Protesters in Minneapolis were told to leave the 4th precinct of the city earlier today. The order comes just one week after white supremacists opened fire on the protesters – and is supposed to help keep protesters safe. But does this mean that white supremacists are scaring cities into suppressing free speech? – Thom Hartmann’s Big...

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Crazy Alert – Lobster Catching Dog?!? – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Wow, and I thought Louise and I teaching our dog Blue how to roll over was impressive. The video then goes through a step by step process of how to teach YOUR dog how to catch lobsters too. Louise and I live with two cats and a dog, but this changes everything, especially for someone who lives on a boat. – Thom Hartmann’s Big...

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GOP Lies Lead to Murder in Colorado – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Thom discusses why Fox News has devoted so little air time to the shooting of Black Lives Matter activists in Minneapolis with radio host and activist Joe Madison and the NAACP’s Hilary Shelton, the first day of the Paris climate talks with Greenpeace International’s Naomi Ages, and how journalists aren’t disclosing that their sources are funded by Monsanto with U.S. Right To Know’s Gary Ruskin. – Thom Hartmann’s Big...

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