Author: Thom Hartmann

Why the Kochs Really Embraced Criminal Justice Reform

It looks like the Koch brothers have scammed us once again. When news first came out that Charles and David Koch — the Koch brothers — were supporting criminal justice reform efforts in Congress, many of us thought, “Wow, they’re actually doing something good for once.” And for good reason, too. Criminal justice reform has, over the past few years, become one of the very few legitimately bipartisan issues in American politics, and given their public statements, it really looked like the Kochs were joining that bipartisan consensus for all the right reasons. Here, for example, is Charles Koch...

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Aren’t all of the cops who helped this cover-up really “bad cops”? – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange/CODEPINK/Drone Warfare & Kris Ullman, Conservative Commentator & Activist & Kevin Martin, Project 21 join Thom. It’s been a day since the dashcam footage was released showing the execution-style shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald in Chicago. But with more and more evidence that there was a concerted cover-up in the police department – why is Officer Van Dyke the only one facing charges. Aren’t all of the cops who helped in this cover-up really “bad cops”? And shouldn’t they all be held accountable for the conspiracy? Also – are we ready to admit that this problem...

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