Author: Thom Hartmann

Chicago Police Shooting Black Teenager, Trump’s Fascism, Koch Brothers Prison Dupe – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Tonight’s Rumble discusses the release of the Chicago police dashcam video showing the killing of a black teenager, Kasich’s new ad attacking Trump’s fascism, and whether the GOP has given up on the youth vote. Thom talks the life and death of artist Mark Lombardi with journalist Patricia Goldstone, author of “Interlock: Art, Conspiracy, and the Shadow Worlds of Mark Lombardi,” and in tonight’s Daily Take Thom discusses how the Koch brothers have duped us once again. Rumble: Aren’t all of the cops who helped this cover-up really “bad cops”? Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange/CODEPINK/Drone Warfare & Kris Ullman, Conservative...

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The great Republican fear campaign has struck again.

Last night, voters in Houston, Texas went to the polls and rejected their city’s new anti-discrimination law. The vote wasn’t even close, with a full 63 percent of voters opposing the measure. This is a big loss for Houstonians of all backgrounds. Passed by the city council earlier last year, the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or HERO, gave 15 different classes of people protection from discrimination in public places, at their jobs, and in housing. It was a common sense piece of legislation, the kind of thing all Americans who believe in giving everyone access to life, liberty, and...

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