Author: Tony Prettyman

Scientists Warn Trump: Take Climate Change Seriously Or We’re Doomed

A group of 800 scientists have signed onto an open letter to President-Elect Trump warning him that climate change is very real, and that if he doesn’t take the threat seriously then we’re all in very big trouble. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: In September, 375 scientists wrote an open letter to the American public begging them not to vote for Donald Trump. In late November, after the election, 2,300 scientists from around the world, including world-renowned Stephen Hawking, wrote a letter to Donald Trump telling him that any efforts he...

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Transphobia Could Destroy The Texas Economy

New, anti-trans legislation in the state of Texas could cost the state hundreds of thousands of jobs and close to a billion dollars in lost revenue as businesses threaten to pull out of the state for being so regressive and transphobic. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Businesses are warning the state of Texas that they’re about to lose a lot of economic activity if they move forward with their plans to enact repressive regressive bathroom bills like we saw coming out of North Carolina where you have to go into the...

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Does The Democratic Party Even Stand For Anything Anymore?

The Democratic Party is still doing some soul-searching after their electoral losses this year, but it begs the question of whether or not they even stand for anything as a Party these days. Is it time to split the Party in half with centrists on one side and progressives on the other? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: There is a great article on Salon earlier this week by Bob Cesca where he talked about the fact that Democrats need to own their values. They need to own their values just as...

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Ohio Republicans Want To Ban Cities From Raising Minimum Wage

A bill that has been put forth by Ohio Republicans would ban cities within the state from raising their minimum wage beyond the state’s level ($8.15 an hour). This bill is a response to the city of Cleveland trying to increase the wages of lower-income workers. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Republican controlled state of Ohio has put forth legislation that would prevent any city within the state from raising their minimum wage above the state level. At some point next year, the state level minimum wage for the state...

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Republican Electors Could Still Prevent A Trump Presidency

We’re starting to see more and more Republican electors come out against Donald Trump, proclaiming that they will not cast their vote for him when the electoral college votes later this month. Could we see a full-on revolt that prevents a Trump presidency? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: We’re just a few weeks away from the electoral college making Donald Trump officially the president-elect, as it stands right now. Until the electors with the electoral college cast their votes, he’s not exactly the president-elect just yet, but here’s where things are...

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