Author: Tony Prettyman

Trump Team Selling Presidential Access To Big Money Donors

Did your father give you a “small loan” of $1 million? If so, you can buy yourself a seat with President-elect Donald Trump during the inauguration weekend! The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If you, like Donald Trump, have received a small loan of about a million dollars from your father then you too can buy access to Donald Trump. The Presidential Inaugural Committee has sent out a memo that the Washington Post obtained and the Inaugural Committee did verify its authenticity. This memo was sent out to wealthy Republican donors. It...

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Pro-Corporate, Anti-Worker Judge Sidelines Obama Overtime Rule

An Obama-appointed, pro-corporate judge in Texas has put the brakes on the Department of Labor’s overtime rule that was set to go into effect on December 1st. By kicking the can down the road, he’s giving Trump the chance to completely scrap the rule once he takes office. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: A judge in Texas, a judge appointed by President Obama, has decided to effectively put the brakes on an overtime rule from the Labor Department that would have extended overtime pay to employees making up to $46,000 a...

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Trump Offers Huge Tax Breaks To Companies Threatening To Leave The U.S.

Donald Trump has already backed off one of his major campaign promises about preventing the outsourcing of US jobs, and he’s now offering massive tax breaks to companies who are thinking about relocating. This isn’t a solution, it is a flimsy bandaid that won’t stop the bleeding. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If you want to fully understand the difference between the Democratic party and the Republican party, look at what’s happening right now with the negotiations taking place between the Carrier air conditioning manufacturers, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Donald...

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Fearful Democrats Think Working With Trump Will Save Their Jobs

Senate Democrats are already starting to worry about the 2018 elections, and the most vulnerable of the bunch have decided that playing along with Donald Trump is going to secure their re-election. Clearly they’ve learned nothing from the 2016 election losses. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Even though the 2016 election is only a couple weeks behind us, Democrats in the Senate are already looking to the 2018 elections where a lot of them are going to be up for reelection. Unfortunately for them, a lot of those Democrats are very,...

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Voter Fraud Is A Myth, But Voter Suppression Is All Too Real

While Donald Trump is making bogus claims about voter fraud, the issue of voter suppression is going largely ignored. And THAT is the real threat to American democracy. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Well, Donald Trump and Republicans, Republican conspiracy theorists, are out there telling us that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton, a fact that is not supported by any kind of fact, statistics, numbers, evidence, or anything. There is actually real problems with the United States voting system that must be addressed, but unfortunately right now the...

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