Author: Tony Prettyman

Democrats Must Constantly Attack, You Don’t Play Nice With A Bully

The Democratic Party has been relatively silent about some pretty major issues facing Donald Trump – the fraud lawsuits, his conflicts of interest, the rape allegations – this are issues that every single Democrat should talk about at every given opportunity. We cannot normalize Donald Trump and his brand of hate and sexism. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: I’m a little disappointed in the Democratic party right now, and not just because of the election losses and blah, blah, blah, the infighting. Yeah, we need to change things, but that’s not...

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Paul Ryan Doesn’t Give A Damn About Struggling Americans

Paul Ryan tweeted out that he would help struggling Americans by removing “regulatory red tape.” How can anyone honestly believe that regulatory red tape is hurting them…well, unless you’re a member of the top 1% that owns a Fortune 500 company, that is. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discovers this. Transcription of the above video: In case you haven’t noticed, Paul Ryan has been campaigning essentially for president in 2020 for the last six months. Now, that was of course back when he thought that Donald Trump was going to lose, so his chances for 2020 may have...

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Trump Adviser Really Wants To Bring Back Muslim Registry

Kris Kobach, a top Trump adviser, has said that he wants to reinstitute a Muslim registry that was discontinued in 2011 after reports of racial profiling and people being denied due process. Kobach believes that anyone who isn’t a white Christian is fair game for deportation. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Kris Kobach, one of Donald Trump’s advisers and noted racist, I guess you’d call him. Guy responsible for drafting these horrible immigration laws in Arizona and Alabama designed to keep immigrants out has come up with a new plan for...

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Trump Will Approve, And Greatly Profit From, The Dakota Access Pipeline

Donald Trump and many of his key advisors have a financial stake in the Dakota Access Pipeline, so unless President Obama kills the project immediately, it will almost certainly be approved once Trump takes office. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: There’s still protests happening over the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. A lot of brave people out there right now trying to stop this disaster of a pipeline. Two very important people, however, are not trying to stop it. That includes current president Barack Obama, and incoming president Donald Trump....

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Hillary Clinton Now Leading Donald Trump by Over Two Million Votes

As ballot totals continue to come in in the two weeks following the presidential election, Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote has grown by a considerable margin, with the nonpartisan Cook Political Report placing her current total at 64,227,373 votes, with Donald Trump trailing at 62,212,752 votes, 48.1% and 46.5% of the total count respectively. Trump’s victory in this election has drawn immense backlash from the public, with many groups across the country staging protests. A major point of contention has been the legitimacy of the electoral college to decide election results. While Hillary easily beat Trump in the...

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