Author: Tony Prettyman

Judge Says Kids Can Sue Government For Climate Inaction

A judge in Oregon has certified a lawsuit brought by children against government officials for their refusal to act on climate change. This is a huge step forward in the fight for climate action, and could finally turn the tables on polluters. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: In the midst of all the horrible news coming out of basically the entire world in the past week, we all seemed to miss one bright spot that actually happened, and that took place in Eugene, Oregon, where Judge Ann Aiken ruled that a...

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Democrats Should Block Everything Trump Attempts, Like GOP Did To Obama

The Republicans made it their policy to block everything that President Obama attempted to accomplish. Now it’s payback time – The Democrats need to do the same thing to Donald Trump. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: A lot of people in the United States today, not very many progressives, are saying, ‘You know what? Let’s give Donald Trump a chance.’ Even Bernie Sanders has said, ‘Look, to the extent that you actually want to help the American public, we will work with you. Anything you do that could be bad for...

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Cory Booker Demands FBI, DOJ Action To Fight Hate Crime Spike

Senator Cory Booker has called on the FBI and the DOJ to take swift action to combat the rising tide of hate in the United States that has been steadily increasing since Donald Trump’s election. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Senator Cory Booker is calling on the FBI and the Department of Justice to look in to the increasing numbers of hate crimes being committed in the United States as a result of Donald Trump being elected president. It’s almost impossible to go a few hours without looking at a website...

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Ring of Fire Host Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Stands With Standing Rock

Ring of Fire host and Waterkeeper President Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has joined the front lines of the Standing Rock protests, helping to fight the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Farron: Ring of Fire radio host and Water Keeper Alliance President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is standing with Standing Rock this week. He is out there on the front lines with these protesters, trying to prevent the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. He sent the following video, which was posted via EcoWatch. Take a...

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A Trump Economy Will Only Serve The 1%

Donald Trump campaigned with a message of economic populism, and sadly, many voters fell for this con. The truth is that the Trump economy is only going to benefit those people who don’t need any help – the top 1%. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Donald Trump managed to convince enough voters in certain states that he should be President to where he’s going to win the electoral vote. Lost the popular vote. I think the count at this point is actually over one million votes more for Hillary Clinton than...

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