Author: Tony Prettyman

Democrats Pick A Corporatist To Help Steer Party In “New” Direction

The Democratic Party needs a new direction, and they know it, so they decided to put corporate Democrat Chuck Schumer in charge of Senate Democrats. This Party clearly suffers from a learning disability. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: So the Democratic Party understood that after their losses in the 2016 election they really needed to find a new direction, so we had the Senate leadership votes to try to find a new Senate minority leader who would lead the Democrats into this new era of progressivism, and the best they could...

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John Kerry Offers Purely Symbolic Gesture On Climate Change

President Obama will be leaving office in 2 months, so why is Secretary of State John Kerry offering up a plan to reduce carbon emissions that he knows Donald Trump will kill? Its for nothing more than the optics of it. The Obama Administration had 8 years to address climate change and they failed miserably. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Right now there are climate talks taking place in Marrakech. John Kerry, Unites States Secretary of State is over there taking part in this and here’s what John Kerry’s done over...

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Greedy Wall Street Bankers Already Cashing In On Trump

Executives at Morgan Stanley have already made $10 million off of Trump’s promises to roll back financial regulations. They are prepared for a new era of greed where they can screw consumers and pocket the profits. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If there was any question about what kind of president Donald Trump is going to be, I think that it was answered last week when executives at Morgan Stanley made $10 million, pocketed $10 million in the immediate days following Donald Trump’s victory. Now, on election night, as the results...

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Dems Postpone Leadership Vote As Party Attempts To Find Its Identity

The Democrats have postponed their leadership votes in the House as they attempt to figure out who they are as a party. This is a smart move considering some of the best and brightest in the Party are urging them to find a new direction. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Democratic Party still reeling from the losses that they suffered on November 8th has decided to push off their leadership voice in the House of Representatives until after the Thanksgiving break. They were supposed to be doing it before that,...

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Trump’s Transition Turmoil – Nobody Wants To Play With Him

Donald Trump’s transition team is nothing short of a disaster. A week after the election, and we’ve already had staffing purges, firings, and resignations, and the staff now says that they are about a month behind where they should be in picking a transition team. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Already, Donald Trump’s transition team is suffering from just a complete lack of cohesiveness and, to be honest, a very shortage of actual staff. As we talked about a couple of days ago, Donald Trump, when he met with President Obama,...

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