Author: Tony Prettyman

Democratic Party Blames Everyone But Themselves For Hillary’s Loss

The Democratic Party’s blame game just won’t end, and the Party is doing everything to convince us that THEY weren’t the problem. Even with the outside influences, there’s no denying that they simply pushed a bad candidate. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Democratic Party, the Hillary Clinton aides, the Hillary Clinton surrogates, and the people who just straight up pushed Hillary Clinton from the very beginning. They’re all engaging in the blame game right now, which to be honest, kind of needs to happen. Except for the fact that the...

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Congressional Term Limits & The Electoral College – Time To Reconsider Both

The electoral college has once again screwed the Democratic Party. Some US Senators won their 5th or 6th term this year. We can do better, and it’s time that we re-structure our democratic system to truly reflect the will of the American people. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Now there are a lot of problems with this years elections. The biggest obviously being the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, yet she’s still not going to be the president, just like Al Gore won the popular vote in the...

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No, Rachel Maddow, Third Party Voters Didn’t Cost Hillary The White House

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow said that third party voters not only “don’t care who becomes president,” but that they cost Hillary Clinton the White House. But the numbers simply don’t add up, and Maddow is angry at the wrong group of people. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If you were watching the election night returns on MSNBC, you probably saw that Rachel Maddow was having a bit of a hard time accepting the fact that Hillary Clinton did not become the next president. In fact, she said that if it hadn’t been...

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Trump’s Nightmare Cabinet – Climate Skeptics & Political Hacks

Donald Trump has already picked a climate change denier to head up his EPA transition team. He promised Sarah Palin a spot in his cabinet if he were to win. What other clowns will President Combover pack into his administration? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Well, Donald Trump has been the President-elect for about day and a half now and things are already looking pretty grim as far as the prospects of him appointing anybody that has a brain to serve in his administration. Case in point, Donald Trump has already...

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Progressive Anger Is Not A Flaw, It’s A Path Forward

There are a lot of post-election liberal organizations telling us that now is not the time for anger, it is the time for unity. While unity is important, anger can be just as therapeutic and helpful, especially when it helps motivate the Left to take action, and that’s what we need more than anything right now. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: So since the election results came out to progressives, liberals, Democrats whatever you want to call the collective group of them, everybody has had these mixed messages. But I think...

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