Author: Tony Prettyman

Will Voters Punish Trump-Loving Candidates?

The Washington Post editorial board believes that voters, at least in the future, will remember who supported Donald Trump and will punish them at the voting booth, but history tells us otherwise. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Recently the Washington Post Editorial Board put out a story saying that history is going to remember those Trump loving Republican politicians. That they stood up for Trump, that they defended Trump, that they thought Trump was their guy. In time they are absolutely going to be punished by American voters. I respectfully disagree...

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Wall Street Is Spending Over $2 Million A Day To Prevent Financial Regulation

If you were wondering why financial reforms seem to be non-existent in the United States, all you have to do is follow the money. Over $2 million a day is being spent by the big banks to prevent any actions that would bring accountability to Wall Street. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: I don’t think that anybody watching this would disagree with the fact that reason we haven’t seen any real meaningful reforms come out with regards to Wall Street, the same bankers who tanked our economy in 07 and 08,...

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SCOTUS Helps Suppress Thousands Of Ohio Voters

This week, the Supreme Court rejected a challenge to Ohio’s repressive voting laws that will result in the provisional ballots of thousands of Ohio voters (mostly minority voters) being thrown out. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear a case from the State of Ohio that would have granted some citizens in the state a little bit of leeway in terms of filling out a provisional ballot. As it stands right now, the State of Ohio has one of the most stringent...

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Sorry Republicans, But Taxing The Rich Is Helping The Economy

Republicans like to say that if we raise taxes on job creators, then they’ll stop creating jobs. But a 2013 tax hike from the Obama administration on the top earners in this country proved the exact opposite: It helped the economy and the already-wealthy didn’t suffer one bit. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: A new study from the University of California, Berkeley proves that guess what republicans, your big talking point about tax hikes hurting the rich, yeah, it’s completely untrue. In 2013, President Obama allowed the Bush tax cuts to...

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Emails Reveal GOP Plot To Block North Carolina African Americans From Voting

The Republican Party has never been shy about their plot to prevent people of color from voting, but a new string of emails reveals that they actively lobbied North Carolina precincts to limit early voting in order to prevent black people from voting. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: According to a new investigation by the Reuters News Agency, e-mails have been uncovered from GOP officials in North Carolina to precincts in the state of North Carolina urging them, begging them, lobbying them to shorten poll hours and to open fewer polling...

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