Author: Tony Prettyman

Martin Shkreli And Donald Trump Prove That Capitalism Is Dead

Americans are losing faith in capitalism, and the poster children for its demise are Donald Trump and Martin Shkreli. Their greed and corruption has highlighted the dysfunctional design of American capitalism, and people are no longer in the dark about what’s really happening in corporate America. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, had an article come out this week in Salon where he talked about the fact that Donald Trump and Martin Shkreli, people of that ilk, have destroyed the trust in America, specifically the trust...

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Fossil Fuel Companies Are Manipulating Florida Voters

Florida voters will be voting on a poorly-worded amendment in a few weeks that would prevent the solar industry from being competitive in the state. And the big money funding this campaign is coming directly from the fossil fuel industry, including big money from the Koch Brothers. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: In two weeks, voters in the state of Florida are going to head to the polls and they’re going to vote on whether or not to make it easier for the solar industry to generate power in the great...

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Koch Brothers Launch Holy War Against Pope Francis

The Koch Brothers have never been shy about tackling political foes, but their latest target is one that should make us all question our morals. The new target is Pope Francis, and the Brothers want to take down his populist rhetoric and replace it with free-market talk. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Koch brothers have found a new political target. In the past, they’ve gone after labor unions, they’ve gone after teachers, they’ve gone after college students, they’ve gone after environmentalists. They have gone after everyone. But this latest target...

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Trump In Complete Denial About His Dismal Poll Numbers

Donald Trump is tanking in the polls, but don’t tell the man himself about it. He still believes that he has a shot at winning this election, and he continues to claim that the media is rigging these polls for Hillary. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Donald Trump seems to be living in some kind of alternative reality where he can look at how horrible his poll numbers are and still believe that he is competitive in this presidential election. According to the latest polls Donald Trump is down nationally by...

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Arrests Continue At Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Over the weekend, 83 people were arrested while protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline construction, a move that shows an increasingly hostile attitude towards both protestors and journalists. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Protest are still taking place over the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Over this past weekend 83 people were arrested by guards armed with pepper spray while protesting the construction of this pipeline. These were a combination of both protesters and journalist which when you think about it, is pretty much a complete violation of our First Amendment...

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