Author: Tony Prettyman

Preparing For 2016 Loss, Republicans Already Running For President In 2020

There are a lot of Republicans making unusual pitches to voters these days, many sounding like they could already be testing the waters for a presidential campaign. But this means that the next 4 years are going to be far more torturous than we thought. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Republican Party clearly believes that they are going to lose the 2016 election. If you don’t believe me, look at what some of the, I guess you’d call them top Republican officials, are doing out there today. You have Paul...

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Republicans Hope Hurricane Matthew Will Deliver Florida To GOP

Florida Governor Rick Scott refuses to extend the deadline to register to vote, even though his state is being rocked by a massive hurricane. Could it be because the areas affected by the storm lean heavily Democratic? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: As Florida governor, Rick Scott, was telling people in the path of Hurricane Matthew to evacuate because this storm will kill you, he was also telling the country that, “No, even though the deadline to register to vote for Florida is next week and a lot of people are...

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Sean Hannity Goes Full Psycho On Megyn Kelly

Sean Hannity has officially lost his mind, and is now accusing Megyn Kelly of being a closeted Hillary Clinton supporter because Kelly dared to criticize Trump. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Sean Hannity once again in the news, the man is very sad, very upset, very angry, very unhinged at his old co-worker Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly who most of you remember is the one who took over Sean Hannity’s time slot when the network decided that she’s a bigger draw than he is. Pushed him back into a later hour....

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Clinton Using Al Gore To Attract Millennials On Climate Change Issue

The Clinton campaign is hoping that Al Gore can energize young voters enough to bring them into the Democratic camp, but if they want this group to take them seriously, they need to refund all of the fossil fuel money going to Hillary and the Dems. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The Clinton campaign has obviously been struggling to attract millennial voters anywhere between the 18 and 35 year old age group, so they’ve come up with a plan that is really going to energize this particular age group. They’re calling...

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Is Trump Illegally Fueling Campaign With Money From His Charity?

According to a new report, Donald Trump has been funneling money away from his charity into groups that endorse him. This pay-to-play is expressly forbidden from charitable organizations, and it is becoming increasingly clearer that Trump is breaking the law. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Donald Trump is known for a lot of things, mostly being a pretty horrible businessman and obviously being a racist. According to a new report from RealClearPolitics, he could also technically be a criminal. I know a lot of Republicans want to say that Hillary is...

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