Author: Tony Prettyman

No, Mike Pence Did Not Win The VP Debate

Civility is how you win debates in high school, but when the fate of the country is on the line, civility goes out the window. Where it really mattered, Mike Pence failed at every level, and the corporate media should be embarrassed for calling him the winner. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Last night was the not much anticipated vice presidential debate and according to the media, immediately after the debate, day after, Mike Pence came across as the winner because he was a little bit more reserved, he was calm,...

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Young Voters Actually Believe Trump Will Reign In Wall Street

According to a new Gallup Poll, Donald Trump holds a seven point advantage over Hillary Clinton among young voters who believe that the con man will actually be tough on Wall Street corruption. Let’s be clear: Neither candidate will do a thing about Wall Street, and Trump would likely be worse than Hillary. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: There’s a new poll out that actually has some pretty troubling information for those of us planning to vote this year. According to the latest Gallup poll, by a margin of seven points,...

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Exxon Working With Republican AGs To Derail Climate Investigations

Exxon found itself in hot water not long ago when it was revealed that the company had known for nearly 40 years that they were destroying the climate with their emissions, and now state attorneys general want answers. But Republican AGs are meeting with Exxon’s team of lobbyists to help stop these investigations before more damaging information comes out. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Several months ago it was revealed that Exxon Mobile had known about the dangers of climate change, due to the emissions that their corporation was releasing, since...

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