Author: Tony Prettyman

Giuliani Says Hillary “Too Stupid” To Be President Because She Didn’t Divorce Bill

With Donald Trump rallying his supporters to attack Hillary Clinton over her husband’s infidelity, Rudy Giuliani has answered the call in grand, preposterous fashion, claiming she’s unfit to lead for staying married. Do these men truly think these are the important “issues” this election? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: In the midst of all the post-debate wrap-up, I guess Rudy Giuliani was feeling a little left out. You know, the whole world got to see how stupid Donald Trump was, but nobody was paying attention to poor little Rudy Giuliani. After...

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Sorry Republicans, But Businesspeople Make Horrible Candidates

Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, and now Donald Trump. All of these men were lauded as “businessmen”, yet they failed as politicians. Why do Republicans keep going back to the same polluted well? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: There is this myth that the Republican Party loves to continue to perpetuate. That is the business people, people from the private sector makes such better politicians than those people who’ve been running for office since the day they were born. Now, here’s why I hate that myth. For starters, it’s not true....

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The Trump Transition Team: Climate Skeptics & Industry Insiders

Donald Trump’s transition team is just as bad as you’d expect – climate change deniers, industry insiders, lobbyists – you name it, they’re there. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: It’s no secret that Donald Trump does not believe that climate change is real, he has said that it’s a hoax. He’s even said that it’s actually a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. What their goal of it is, we don’t really know, but that’s what he said, so, sure, whatever. Donald Trump has started picking his transition team now, and hopes...

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Congress Overrides Obama’s Veto To Sue Saudi Arabia

In a shocking display of bipartisan unity, the Senate has overruled President Obama’s veto of a 9/11 bill which would allow victims of the terrorist attack to directly sue the Saudi Arabian government. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss this. Transcription of the above video: Seder: Let’s talk about another story that is getting equally virtually no attention this week, and look, the fact of the matter is, we have a very consequential election going on. We’re four or five weeks out, but one would think that there would be a little bit of time to...

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Trump’s Basket Of Deplorables Is Overflowing With Bigotry

Donald Trump’s supporters are a unique breed, and according to the latest data, they are a uniquely racist, dull breed. His supporters believe that white people don’t have enough influence in the United States, meaning they have no idea what the current makeup of our elected officials looks like. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Donald Trump’s basket of deplorables is absolutely overflowing with hatred and ignorance these days. According to the latest polls, 38% of Donald Trump supporters, that 38% of people sitting in that basket over there, believe that African-Americans...

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