Author: Tony Prettyman

Cops Keep Killing People Of Color Because They Always Get Away With It

Why does Wall Street keep committing crimes? Because nobody goes to jail. And that’s the same reason that we continue to see police officers gun down unarmed black people in America – nobody is held accountable. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The news this past week has been filled with police officers killing unarmed black men. There is no other way to say that. Black men across this country are being murdered by police officers. We’re being told, “Don’t worry about it. The Department of Justice is going to look into...

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What’s Missing From 2016 Election? Discussion About Real Issues

The corporate-controlled media has done a great job of keeping intelligent discussion out of their coverage of the 2016 election, and a new Harvard study shows that discussions about policy issues are almost non-existent. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: During this presidential campaign, at least since we have had the conventions, it’s been pretty obvious that something is just missing from this campaign. It turns out that that something is actual discussion about policy issues. Right now, Hillary Clinton is running ads all over this country attacking Donald Trump for the...

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Democrats Blame Everyone But Hillary For Her Falling Poll Numbers

Polls now show that Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has evaporated, and the Democratic establishment along with the pro-Hillary social media warriors are blaming everyone but Hillary for this drop. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: I have bad news for everyone that is not a flag-waving, die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter in the United States. According to democrats, if you do not fall into that category, you are the reason that Hillary Clinton might possibly lose this election. Now, over the last few months, we have seen a lot, a lot...

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It’s Official: The Republican Party Is Completely Braindead

Paul Ryan has a “better way” to run the government, according to the GOP’s newest little slogan. But his “better way” is just the Reagan way, which has been proven to be a complete disaster. They have no ideas, and they haven’t learned a thing in 40 years. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If you’ve been paying attention to the Republican party that doesn’t revolve around Donald Trump recently, you’ve probably seen Speaker Paul Ryan, talk about this new, little plan called, “Better Way.” He’s tweeting it out constantly. “There is...

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Here’s Why Millennials Distrust Hillary Clinton

The latest polls show Hillary Clinton’s support among Millennials falling even further, and her outreach to the 18 – 34 age group has been pathetic, to say the least. The problem is that she absolutely doesn’t understand how badly the policies of the last 16 years have hurt this age group. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Hillary Clinton understands that she is struggling with millennial voters, voters aged 18 to 34. Now, yesterday she gave a speech trying to address this kind of crowd saying, “Look, I’m on your side. I...

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