Author: Tony Prettyman

Republican Lawmaker: Green Energy Supporters Unfit For Office

A Colorado Republican says that any candidate for office who thinks we should move away from fossil fuels should be banned from public office. You know, because screw the climate. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Cory Gardner, Republican senator from the state of Colorado is pissed off right now. He’s pissed off at the Greens, the climate activists, the environmentalists. He says that this whole, Keep it in The Ground, campaign that’s going on is absolutely detrimental to America. Well, that’s nothing new for Republicans. We’re used to hearing stuff like...

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White People Freak Out When Black Athletes Speak Up

Most white people seem perfectly happy to live inside their little bubbles where they pretend that racism doesn’t exist. And when a black athlete or performer speaks out about racism, they absolutely lose their minds. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers is taking a lot of heat right now for not standing up during the national anthem and for saying that how can he stand up and support a flag of a country that continues to oppress, murder, kill black people and people...

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Trump’s Pathetic Campaign is Going Down in Flames

Someone should really tell Donald Trump and his campaign managers how to run a political campaign. They are spending very little money, they have no ground game, and Republican voter registrations are falling. Are they trying to lose? Let’s hope so. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: So far, at least 110 Republican leaders have come forward and said they will not under any circumstances vote for Donald Trump for president. A lot of that, you know, some of those started as long as a year ago, but here’s the thing, not...

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It Is Past Time To Ban Fracking

The health effects of fracking are mounting, and there is no good news to report about these controversial natural gas extraction process – so why can’t we put an end to it for good? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: The latest set of data coming out of Johns Hopkins University has now linked hydraulic fracturing, fracking, to sinusitis, migraines, and fatigue. This is on top of the already voluminous research showing that fracking has been linked to asthma, to other breathing problems, telling us that the chemicals involved are carcinogens, birth...

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Sarah Palin Worries That Trump Isn’t Being Hateful Enough

Sarah Palin is the latest right winger to jump on the Trump hate train bandwagon, telling Fox News’ Eric Bolling that she’s worried the Republican candidate isn’t being hateful enough towards illegal immigrants. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Farron: Donald Trump is having a very bad week. He’s kind of losing some support from some of his most ardent supporters. Take a look at what Sarah Palin had to say on The O’Reilly Factor the other day. Palin: Well, Candidate Trump didn’t garner a lot of enthusiastic support by being soft...

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