Author: Tony Prettyman

Senate Republicans Are Secretly Supporting Hillary Clinton

Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse says that his Republican colleagues in the Senate actually have a tremendous amount of respect for Hillary Clinton, and some of them are even closet Clinton supporters. But could there be something more sinister behind this support? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse in an interview with Buzzfeed says that a lot of his colleagues, his Republican colleagues, in the US Senate are actually closeted supporters of Hillary Clinton. Whitehouse says that a lot of these people including some of her former campaign rivals...

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The Alt Right – Just Another Word for Mainstream Republicans

In the last few weeks, the phrase “Alt Right” has been thrown around constantly. But there is nothing “alternative” about this group – they represent the mainstream views of the Republican Party. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: If you’ve noticed in the last couple weeks, the phrase alt-right seems to be popping up everywhere in analyses about Donald Trump and his supporters. Essentially what this alt-right group is is bloggers, pundits, other kinds of really radicalized hate-filled, potentially white nationalist Republicans who’ve come out of the closet in support of Donald...

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Diabetes Drug Invokana Linked to Kidney & Heart Failure

Big Pharma has pulled in hundreds of millions of dollars with their blockbuster drug called Invokana, but the FDA has announced that the treatment is causing even more problems for those with diabetes. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio talks with attorney Tim O’Brien about this product and its impact on diabetics. Learn more about Invokana dangers...

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Heartbroken Ann Coulter Lashes Out at Donald Trump

Ann Coulter has a new book out this week singing the praises of Donald Trump. The day after the release, Coulter took to Twitter to attack Donald for allegedly lightening his stance on undocumented immigrants. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Earlier this week Ann Coulter, the queen of hate, released a new book about the king of hate, titled In Trump We Trust. That book was released on Tuesday and then Wednesday night goes on Sean Hannity’s show where he walks back a few of his comments about undocumented immigrants. He...

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Greed Trumps Science – Why American Healthcare Is Such A Disaster

The Mylan pharmaceutical EpiPen price hike is just the latest example of how deceptive, crooked, and greedy the pharmaceutical industry has become in America. Cures and medicine no longer matter – the only thing they care about is how much money they can make as quickly as possible. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: In response to the massive backlash that the company has faced for raising the price of EpiPens by 400%, Mylan Pharmaceuticals CEO Heather Bresch, the daughter of Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, has announced that the company is going...

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