Author: Tony Prettyman

Trump Responds To Claims of Bigotry By Literally Calling Hillary a Bigot

Donald Trump, the King of Hate, says that Hillary Clinton is the REAL bigot in this year’s general election. As usual, he provided absolutely no evidence to support his insane theory. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Farron: Donald Trump during a rally speech, press conference, whatever we want to call it these days. Had a very interesting way to describe Hillary Clinton. Take a look. Trump: Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes. Not as human beings worthy of a better future. Farron: All right,...

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Lawsuit: Fox News A Sex-Fueled, Playboy-Like Cult

Former Fox News anchor Andrea Tantaros is suing Fox News, and her lawsuit reveals the truth about the disgusting culture of the network that only the behind the scenes workers have ever seen. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcript of the above video: In a new lawsuit filed against Fox News, former Fox News personality Andrea Tantaros says that the atmosphere in that business was more like that at the Playboy Mansion. In fact, the complaint reads from Tantaros, “Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a...

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Why Is Obama Shoving The TPP Down Our Throats?

President Obama is off on his TPP sales tour, trying to convince Americans that the corporate trade deal is good for all of us. The only question is why is he so hellbent on passing this disastrous deal before he leaves office? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcript of the above video: In a little under five months, President Barack Obama will no longer be the president of the United States, and so that is why, for this last month and for the next five months, he is going to do nothing, other than push the TPP...

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