Search Results for: Rex Tillerson

Breaking: Rex Tillerson Confirmed As Secretary of State In Most Unpopular Sec. State Vote in Recent History

On Wednesday, former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson was confirmed by the Senate as Donald Trump’s Secretary of State in a contentious vote. Tillerson may be our next Secretary of State, but he will become so under the least approving Senate in recent history. Despite securing enough votes to be confirmed, Tillerson had a record 43 Senators voting against him while 56 voted for him. By comparison, Condoleezza Rice was confirmed in 2005 with 13 Nays, while Henry Kissinger was confirmed in 1973 with 7. Three Democrats voted for Tillerson: Mark Warner (D-VA), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.)....

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