Search Results for: Chris Christie

Let’s Be Honest: If Any Republican Wins In 2016, We’re Screwed

For the last week, I’ve been thinking about what I saw in the Republican debates. I’ve read analyses from every possible source, and I think what bothers me the most is that no one is saying the painfully obvious: If any one of those people that we saw on the stage last Wednesday night wins the presidency, then we, as a country, are completely screwed. I’m incredibly concerned about the fact that not one single Republican that took the stage that night was able to offer a single, cohesive, coherent policy plan. ON ANY ISSUE. The only thing that...

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Trump Openly Advocates Bernie Position Points: GOP Base Responding Well: GOP Establishment Freaked

Presidential candidates from both major parties may be trying to ignore or minimize Bernie Sanders, but they cannot disregard the fact that his populist message has struck a nerve among voters. As a result, even Republicans are starting to spout some faux-populist ideas. The GOP front-runner Donald Trump is leading the pact echoing some of Bernie’s points. Trump is calling for a special tax on companies that outsource labor to overseas factories, and  has stated he will not cut Social Security. In regard to the low tax rates that hedge fund managers pay, Trump has stated: The hedge fund...

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Bernie Sanders says He’d Only Appoint SCOTUS Judges Who’d Repeal Citizens United

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has consistently been one of the most vocal opponents of the abhorrent Citizens United Supreme Court ruling. Sanders reiterated his stance yesterday on CBS’s Face the Nation, saying that if elected in 2016, he would require any Supreme Court appointees to pledge to overturn the decision. Sanders said: “As a result of this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, clearly the billionaires, Koch brothers and others, are owning the political process. They will determine who the candidates are. If elected president, I will have a litmus test in terms of my nominee to...

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