Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

Missouri Gov: I’ll Call National Guard to Ferguson if Necessary

Governor Jay Nixon (D-MO) said yesterday that, if necessary, he will send the Missouri National Guard to Ferguson if violence breaks out after the grand jury’s decision on whether or not to indict Darren Wilson is announced, the New York Times reported. “The Guard will be available when we determine it is necessary to support local law enforcement,” Nixon said at a press conference at a state highway patrol office. “Quite simply, we must and will be fully prepared.” Nixon had previously called up the Guard in August as protests over Wilson fatally shooting unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown...

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Missouri RNC Executive: Voter Registration Drives in Ferguson are ‘Disgusting’

The intense media spotlight on the small town of Ferguson, Missouri has given many of the town’s problems national attention. Much of it revolves around the vast racial difference between the city’s government and the city’s residents. Ferguson’s population is about 70 percent black, but you would never know it from looking at its elected officials and police force. Of seven city council members, six are white; of 53 police officers, 50 are white. And the mayor is a white Republican. Ferguson also has an incredibly low voter turnout, especially for local elections. As ThinkProgress pointed out, Ferguson has...

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NAACP Warns Minorities: Stay Out of Missouri

For the first time, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People issued a travel advisory for a state, warning minorities to be alert if they live in or travel to Missouri. The decision to issue an advisory was made in reference to multiple instances of police brutality and other racialized acts perpetrated against people of color in the state in recent years. The advisory was initiated inside the state by the local chapter of the NAACP in June, but was picked by the national organization more recently. In addition to police brutality events like the one that...

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Loretta Lynch & DOJ: If Ferguson Won’t Clean Up Its Act, The Feds Will Do it For Them

After an investigation which came in the wake of the controversial shooting of an unarmed African-American man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a 131-page consent decree to the municipal government. That decree requires the city to enact major reforms in order to improve relations between local law enforcement and city residents in the community – and ensure that citizen’s rights under the Constitution are protected. Now that the Ferguson City Council has failed to approve the decree, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has decided to take decisive action. The shooting of an...

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Ferguson’s New Judge Making Impact for Justice: Withdraws Warrants issued before to 1-1-15

The Honorable Judge Donald McCullin’s tenure as Ferguson, Missouri’s new municipal court judge will be short, but he already is making sweeping changes to help bring about justice. This week he entered an order declaring invalid all arrest warrants issued prior to January 1, 2015. Judge McCullen was appointed in the wake of the resignation of former Ferguson judge Ronald Brockmeyer, who was found to be the epitome of corruption after a US Department of Justice investigation. Brockmeyer, who owed the IRS over $170,000, would not hesitate to  jail someone over a $100 fine. Aside from serving as judge...

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