Search Results for: glyphosate

European Union Delays Vote on Glyphosate – What Will Happen if it is Banned?

Unable to reach a majority in this week’s voting, the European Union has postponed a vote on whether or not to renew licensing for glyphosate, the controversial herbicide implicated in a number of health and environmental issues. The day before the vote was taken, E.U. lawmakers called for a complete ban on glyphosate, citing fears of its carcinogenicity. At the same time, the European Commission (the E.U.’s executive branch) has been pushing for an extension of the license. If the E.U. Commission is unable to garner enough support from the European Parliament, Monsanto’s license will expire on December 15...

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“100% Pure” Orange Juice is NOT Pure: Consumer Advocacy Group Reports Glyphosate Found in All Best-Selling Brands

You might want to think twice the next time you consider buying a can of “100% Pure” Orange Juice Concentrate. Recent tests by an accredited laboratory found glyphosate in every sample of orange juice they tested. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the controversial herbicide Roundup, which an agency of the World Health Organization has determined is a likely carcinogen. Glyphosate has also been linked to autism and a number of other health problems. The laboratory tests were sponsored by the consumer advocacy group Moms Across America (MAA), which published a press release last week. The brands tested included...

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France Stands Up to European Commission, Says ‘No’ To Glyphosate

Wednesday, a representative of France’s Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development announced that his government will vote against a European Commission proposal to renew the license for glyphosate, the active ingredient in the commercial herbicide Roundup. The official cited “uncertainties that persist with regard to its danger” as the reason for the French government’s decision. The proposal, if passed, would extend the license for glyphosate for ten years. However, France is a key vote in this issue: a refusal by the French government would mean that the EU Commission would not have enough votes to extend the license. The...

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Court Rules Against Monsanto; Glyphosate to Be Added to California’s Carcinogen List

An effort by chemical giant Monsanto to have their top product glyphosate kept from California’s carcinogen list has been blocked by the courts. The announcement that Roundup would be added to the Proposition 65 list was made on March 28, in response by conclusions from the World Health Organization surrounding recent animal studies which showed exposure to glyphosate caused the growth of irregular cells in lab animals. Monsanto lodged a petition for a review and application for stay in the state’s decision to add glyphosate to their Proposition 65 list of agents known to cause cancer on June 16....

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New Pro-GMO Doc Narrated by Neil DeGrasse Tyson Leaves Out Half the Debate Over Glyphosate

In the courtroom and in scientific studies, the battle over the carcinogenic effects of Monsanto’s herbicide Glyphosate rages on, but you may not know that at all if you watched the newest pro-GMO documentary narrated by none other than Neil DeGrasse Tyson. According to Food Evolution, the debate over Glyphosate is settled. According to ongoing court cases, that is far from the truth. According to the documentary and Tyson’s relatable voice, the carcinogenic risk of Glyphosate is little to none – at least far less than coffee or salt. The documentary argues in favor of Genetically Modified Organisms and in...

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