Search Results for: glyphosate

USDA Approves Controversial GMO Corn and Soy

Reposted with Permission from EcoWatch. Yesterday, the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) gave its final approval to Dow AgroSciences Enlist brand corn and soybeans, genetically engineered to withstand both glyphosate (found in the widely used Roundup weed killer) and massive amounts of 2, 4-D, a key substance in Agent Orange—the defoliant used in Vietnam found to cause a constellation of health problems and birth defects. They did so despite hundreds of thousands of comments and petition signatures from farmers, health professionals and members of the public urging them not to approve the new seeds, and despite acknowledging that approval could increase use of 2,...

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Monsanto Chemicals Killing Butterfly Population

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) scientists have reason to believe that Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, contributed to drastic decreases in the North American monarch butterfly population. Monarch butterflies are an important part of the environment and play several vital roles in nature. The WWF started monitoring the migratory habits of monarch butterflies in 1993. Shortly after the WWF began monitoring monarch butterflies, monarchs had a dense population. During its peak in 1996, monarch butterfly hibernation colonies in Mexico covered a 45 acre area. Last November, they covered only 1.6 acres. Although the WWF indicated illegal logging as one of the culprits,...

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