Search Results for: glyphosate

Is Monsanto’s Roundup Weed Killer Carcinogenic or Not? EPA takes its report offline

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removed a report from its website where they concluded that glyphosate was “not likely to be carcinogenic to humans.” The report has been pulled offline on May 2, 2016 along with 13 other documents. Reuter reports that the regulatory agency took down the report as well as the other documents because they were not final. In a clarificatory email, EPA explained that the 86-pages report has been published “inadvertently” and that their review of the chemical has not been finished yet. However, the report was dated Oct. 1, 2015, was labeled as “final...

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Workers File Lawsuit Against Monsanto Alleging Chemicals Caused Cancer

Monsanto currently faces lawsuits from an American farm worker and horticultural assistant who claim that Roundup caused their cancers. Just six months ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the weed-killing ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.” Attorneys expect hundreds of lawsuits to be filed against the corporation as Roundup is the most popular herbicide on the planet. WHO recognition of the danger of glyphosate gives support to the claims these plaintiffs are bringing against Monsanto. “I believe there will be hundreds of lawsuits brought over time,” said attorney Robin Greenwald to Reuters. Monsanto disputes the WHO’s...

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U.S. Forces El Salvador to Use Monsanto’s Inferior Seeds Before Getting Aid

In case you had any doubts about corporate control over the U.S. federal government, consider some recent foreign aid offers – and the conditions under which they were made. In September 2013, the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Board of Directors signed off on a deal that would provide the impoverished Central American nation of El Salvador with $277 million over five years. What is the “Millennium Challenge Corporation”? The MCC is a “U.S. foreign aid agency” established under the Bush II Administration. Operating separately from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the MCC was created...

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Another ‘All Talk’ No Delivery by Obama on Workers’ Safety: Wall Street Advisers Prevail

Many think President Obama has done right by American workers, but the truth is that he has a poor track record in protecting American workers, reported Salon. Labor unions used to protect workers, but anti-union corporatists forced the government to weaken them over the years, which weakened worker protections. Every year, thousands of workers suffer from workplace hazards involving accidents and dangerous chemicals like benzene, glyphosate, and hexavalent chromium, while receiving little protection from and treatment after accident and chemical exposure. The Obama administration has a poor track record when it comes to protecting workers, just as bad as the...

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More Evidence Shows Monsanto Chemical’s Deadly Effects

The Monsanto-produced chemicals have long been linked to dwindling insect and plant populations and illness. However, new research links the dangerous products to deadly diseases that have run rampant in Latin America and other countries, reported TruthOut. Across many Latin and Asian countries, chemical-laden products produced by Monsanto are causing an epidemic of varying health issues. In Central America, Sri Lanka, and India, farmers exposed to herbicides and metals have contracted cases of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu). This means that the cause of these cases is still not known. However, Sri Lankan scientists Dr. Channa Jayasumana,...

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