Search Results for: opioid epidemic

Trump’s Government Fails To Address Opioid Epidemic, So States Take Action Against Big Pharma

Donald Trump promised Americans during the campaign that he was going to address the opioid epidemic, and that all came to a head this past week when he delivered his speech on the issue. Instead of offering solutions, he said that we should just tell our kids that opioids are bad and they maybe shouldn’t take them. THAT’S HIS PLAN? Luckily, state governments are tired of the deceptive practices of Big Pharma that created this crisis, and they’re filing lawsuits against opioid manufacturers for lying about the addictiveness of their blockbuster pills. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this....

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Trump Administration Has Talked a Good Game on Addressing the Opioid Epidemic – But What Has it Really Accomplished?

During his campaign, Donald Trump made many grandiose promises. Last year, he said: “We will stop the flow of illegal drugs into our country,” in part by promising to “close the shipping loopholes that China and others are exploiting to send dangerous drugs across our borders.” He also said that he would “dramatically expand first responders’ and caregivers’ access to Narcan” (an emergency treatment for opioid poisoning). So…how is his Administration doing so far on that score? According to the acting director of the Office of National Drug Policy, pretty well. In response to a request to give the...

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Feds Have Allowed The Opioid Epidemic To Grow

Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder and America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talk about the Opioid addiction in our country and how state Attorney Generals from all over the country are aiming to recoup the enormous cost associated with this epidemic. Transcript of the above video: Sam: So Pap, one thing that I want to talk about in the context of what’s going on that to a certain extent is we felt the impact in this past election has been the rising death rate amongst white men in their 40s and 50s. That has been fluctuating a little bit over the...

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How The Opioid Epidemic Poses a Threat to Everyone – Addicted or Not

You may think that simply because neither you nor anyone among your family and friends have opioid addiction issues, it isn’t your problem. You’re wrong. The nation’s opioid addiction crisis is affecting people who have never taken such medications in unexpected and dangerous ways. It’s even claimed the lives of animals. For example, last year, Primus – a drug-sniffing dog working for the Broward County (Florida) Sheriff’s Department – had to be rushed to a veterinarian when he began exhibiting symptoms of a drug overdose. It turned out that Primus and two of his canine colleagues had been exposed...

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Native American Tribes Are Being Destroyed By The Opioid Epidemic

Ring of Fire has been focusing on the epidemic of opioid addiction in an effort to bring to light the hundreds of thousands of American’s who have died as a result of Big Pharma’s push of these highly addictive pills all in the name of profits. According to a National Institute of Drug Abuse survey, Native American’s have seen an increase of nearly 3 times the opioid use in the last few years. Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder is joined by Tom Rodgers, an attorney and an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe, to discuss the problem with opioids...

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