Search Results for: opioid epidemic

Papantonio: Daily Death Tolls Caused By Big Pharma’s Opioid Epidemic

According to data by the Center for Disease Control, 91 Americans die every day from overdosing on opioids, in the form of both prescription drugs and drugs like heroin. But its that first class – prescription painkillers – that is a major cause for concern. America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks about the painkiller epidemic brought upon by Big Pharma. Transcript of the above video: According to data by the Center for Disease Control, 91 Americans die every day from overdosing on opioids, in the form of both prescription drugs and drugs like heroin. But its that first class –...

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Litigation Begins Against Big Pharma Over Opioid Epidemic – Will It Work?

Opioid addiction in the United States has reached crisis proportions. On one hand, Big Pharma has been getting very, very rich by pushing these drugs at every turn; on the other, the federal government, beholden to the pharmaceutical industry, has been ineffective at controlling the problem. The Drug Enforcement Agency took token action last fall, ordering pharmaceutical companies to cut back on opioid production, but this has had no meaningful effect on the crisis. Efforts have been undertaken at the state level, but the sheer magnitude of the problem and shortage of resources have overwhelmed state and local agencies....

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The Opioid Epidemic: Destroying Ecosystems as Well as Lives

Here at The Ring of Fire, we have covered several aspects of America’s opioid crisis, including its costs to society and how Big Pharma has been profiting – as well as its legislative efforts to keep cannabis (an effective treatment for opioid addiction) illegal. However, there is one cost that has not been widely covered in the media, yet has grave implications for all of us: the destruction of rainforests. The phenomenon has been labeled “narco-deforestation.”  The term describes the wholesale destruction of rainforest habitats in Central and South America as drug traffickers dealing in heroin (chemically, virtually indistinguishable...

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Big Pharma LOVES The Opioid Epidemic – Redacted Tonight

With marijuana illegal and DEA’s attempts to make alternative pain meds like cbd hemp oil Schedule I, Big Pharma has only reaped the benefits. But when the DEA threatened that cushy relationship by expanding its war on drugs to fight opioid drugmakers, Big Pharma’s kid gloves came off. Despite the tens of thousands of U.S. opioid overdose deaths a year, pharma companies used their money and influence to disarm the DEA’s best tools against keeping opioids like oxycodone off the black market. Natalie McGill covers this fight of evil versus a better funded evil with stock...

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NEWS FLASH: It’s Not Doctors Who Created The Opioid Catastrophe – America’s Lawyer

Learn more about stories like this: AL.Law The Attorney General of Illinois says a drug company pushed doctors to prescribe its opioid drug beyond its intended use, fueling the ongoing opioid epidemic. Mike Papantonio, host of America’s Lawyer, discusses this with Dr. John Benedetto, C.O.O. of Brightside, an opioid treatment clinic. Transcript of the above video: Mike Papantonio: A drug company in Arizona will possibly spend up to $4.5 million to settle a lawsuit brought against it by the attorney general of Illinois. The state attorney alleges that the company pushed doctors to prescribe its opioid pain killer beyond...

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