Search Results for: Chris Christie

Chris Christie is Way Out of Touch on Legal Marijuana

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) said if he ever became president that he would “crack down” on marijuana legalization, reported The Huffington Post. The hypothetical President Christie said he would use his executive authority to stop state efforts to legalize or decriminalize marijuana. “I will crack down and not permit it,” he said. Despite alcohol and hard, illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin being the most dangerous and addicting substances, Christie said marijuana is the “enormous addiction problem.” Christie hates legal marijuana. He said that “the White House [should send a message] on down through federal law enforcement”...

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Jon Stewart: Chris Christie’s Got A Pig Problem

Chris Christie is facing a problem in New Jersey. Pig farmers in the state are potentially facing prohibitions on the use of gestational crates in the state. Ninety-three percent of the state supports the measure, but Christie may be taking cues from Iowa where the pig-farming lobby is much larger as he has stated publicly that he intends to veto the bill. Jon Stewart breaks it down here: Gestation crates prevent pregnant pigs in them from fully extending their limbs or even turning around. Reportedly, it makes the pigs easier to house and less likely to fight among themselves....

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Chris Christie Shows Us Another of His “Honey Boo Boo” Moments

Much of Gov. Chris Christie’s (R-NJ) appeal comes from the fact that he is often brash and a bully. People seem to love that he “tells it like it is.” Yesterday, however, Christie may have picked the wrong person to go off on. During an event in Belmar, New Jersey on the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, Gov. Christie’s speech was met with “heckles” to “finish the job” from a group of protesters in the crowd. Christie took the chance to play up his tough guy image to the crowd and cameras and verbally unloaded on one of the group’s...

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