Search Results for: opioid

The “Mainstream” Media Finally Starts to Call Out the Private Health Insurance Industry: Yes, it IS Killing People

Those who follow independent news outlets such as the Ring of Fire network have probably heard of Wendell Potter. For those who have not, Potter is a former CIGNA executive-turned-whistleblower who, for the past several years, has been exposing the dirty little secrets of America’s for-profit health insurance industry. It is an industry that cannot be bothered to cover vital treatments for those who pay their premiums when those treatments cut too far into their bottom line – but has no problem paying its CEOs exorbitant salaries, operating private luxury jets, and installing solid gold plumbing fixtures in their...

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Trump On Addiction: Words, Not Action – The Mike Malloy Show

President Trump’s brother died an alcoholic, so it’s hard to dispute that Mr. Trump understands the horrors of addiction. But in what was billed as a major speech on Thursday, Mr. Trump demonstrated that he has not grasped what’s needed to combat the opioid problem and, more important, the ways in which his own policies impede recovery for millions of Americans. He declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency, which sounds urgent but doesn’t free any significant new money to fight it. In doing so, he ignored the plea of his own opioids commission to declare a...

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Mike Papantonio’s Legal Thriller Series Gives The Backstory Of Corporate Corruption

America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, talks with radio host John Clemens about the real life situations as a trial lawyer that gives ammunition to create such a high paced legal thriller book series. The latest book in the series is titled, “Law and Vengeance.” To order your copy of “Law and Vengeance,” click here: Transcript: John Clemens: Mike, is this a series that you’re developing here? Tell us about this Law and Disorder, Law and Vengeance. Mike Papantonio: Yeah, it is a series, John. There’s four books that I’m … There’s two more books I’m working on right now....

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Children’s Lives Destroyed By Over Prescribing Narcotics

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via WSRE inStudio: The Opioid Crisis and Our Community Pt. 2 Opioid addiction is a crisis in our community, and it affects many individuals and families throughout the United States as well. On the next edition of inStudio, host Jeff Weeks and his guests will discuss the personal and financial horror this epidemic is placing on our society, as well as the causes, long term burdens, and possible solutions, including the use of the court system to help fight opioid abuse. The panel includes Robert A. Althar, M.D. with the Lakeview...

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Corporate Drug Pushers Are Killing Americans By The Thousands

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via Boom Bust: A big pharma company looks to protect its patents by handing it to a Native American Tribes, America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks to host Lindsay France about what drug companies are doing. Transcript: Lindsay France: Sales of eye inflammation medication Restasis earned drug manufacturer Allergan $1.4 billion last year. Recently, eyebrows were raised when it transferred the patent to St. Regis Mohawk Tribe in upstate New York. It took advantage of an American tribal sovereignty law to protect its patent, and prevent generic makers of the Restasis drug...

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