Search Results for: opioid

Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind

Video Rewind NC Cuts Environmental Department Staff in Wake of Coal Ash Spill One month after the devastating coal ash spill in the Dan River, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) cut 13 percent of the staff positions in its Division of Water Resources. According to The News & Observer, the cuts are just the most recent step in shrinking the agency; jobs have been cut there every year since 2008. Comcast Ins’t Buying Congress. congress Already bought Congress Finally, Congress is coming together over something. Unfortunately, it’s screwing the American public over that’s bringing...

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Zohydro is Coming to the U.S. and It Will Kill People

One of the most potent painkillers ever created is slated to release on U.S. markets this week. Doctors and experts have already voiced their opinions that the drug will only lead to the tragic deaths of opioid abusers in the United States. “The FDA has a responsibility to consumers and patients to thoroughly review the information that is available to them,” commented Megan McBride, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of Product Liability, Personal Injury, and Bad Drug Litigation. “Consumers rely on the FDA’s review of the safety data because the FDA...

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Rx Pain Pills are the Real Gateway Drugs

According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), first-time heroin use in the U.S. has increased 60 percent in the last ten years. The increase has been attributed to the inflating prices of opioid prescription painkillers, namely OxyContin, on the black market. Big Pharma mislead the medical community about the dangers of OxyContin by downplaying the risk of addiction when the drug was first introduced in the 1990s. OxyContin is a potent oxycodone-based painkiller that was synthetically created by the pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma. Increased demand and decreased supply, due to government crackdowns, on the...

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FDA Approves New Potent Painkiller with High Potential for Abuse

The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved a new pain killer with 5 to 10 times more heroin-like narcotic than existing hydrocodone products like Vicodin, despite professed attempts to crack down on the US’s prescription painkiller epidemic. The drug, Zohydro ER, is an opioid analgesic with a high risk for abuse. The FDA approved the highly potent painkiller against the advice of its own advisory committee, MedPageToday reports. Last year, the FDA’s Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee voted 11 to 2 against recommending approval of Zohydro. Zohydro is the first single-entity hydrocodone analgesic to be approved...

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